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© Copyright von Dr. Bara Loveland, Ph.D., N.D., Dr. Ing. Oktober 2, 2024
Ist die unmessbare Theorie, dass die Sonne heiß ist, logisch? Ob richtig oder nicht, wenn Auffassungen einmal für wahr erklärt werden, halten sie sich über eine veränderte Basis des Verstehens hinaus: „Die Erde ist flach“ – „Die Sonne dreht sich um die Erde“ – „Die Steinzeitmenschen waren primitiv“. Doch wie denn erschufen unsere „primitiven“ Vorfahren die Pyramiden, Stonehenge, Machu Picchu und die Mao-Statuen? Die Wissenschaft hat keine logische Antwort. Hier ist eine Aufgeschlossenheit nötig! Können neue Theorien mehr erklären, die bemerkenswerterweise mit der Bibel übereinstimmen und mit Planeteneinflüssen arbeiten, die in der Bibel vorhergesagt wurden? Sie sind rätselhaft für die Wissenschaft – wie auch die Sonne Rätsel aufgibt.
Um mehr über die Sonne, ihre Temperatur und Ausstrahlung zu erfahren, wurde eine neue Sonde vom NASA-Zentrum in den U.S.A. zur Sonne gesandt. Die Sonde, Solar Orbiter, soll die Sonne bis zu einer Nähe von 42 Millionen Kilometern (26 097 590 Meilen) umkreisen. Solar Orbiter wird von ESA in Darmstadt/Deutschland gesteuert (ESA: European Space Agency). Als größtes Problem wurde die erwartete Sonnenhitze genannt, die dem Unternehmen schaden könnte. Auch ohne Sonnenhitze, durch die Geschwindigkeit der Sonde allein, könnte eine Reibung mit kosmischem Staub einen Temperaturanstieg erzeugen.
Was spricht dafür oder dagegen, dass die Sonne heiß ist? Hier ist meine Theorie in 13 Punkten dargestellt.
1) Incinerators sind inzwischen allgemein bekannt; in Deutschland „kurz“ Müllverbrennungsanlagen genannt. Der Incinerator in Wisconsin/U.S.A. hat maximal 1500° F (815° C). Diese Temperatur bricht die molekularen Bindungen, so dass der Müll zu Asche wird. Dabei entsteht ein Gas, das man verwenden kann. Aber was passiert auf der heißen Sonne?
2) Es wird gesagt, dass die Sonne auf der Oberfläche 10 000° Fahrenheit (5 600° Celsius) hat. Im Innern aber sollen bis zu 27 000 000° Fahrenheit (15 000 000° Celsius) herrschen. Das konnte offenbar nicht direkt gemessen werden, doch die Sonnentemperatur wurde ausgehend von der Sonnenlicht-Intensität geschätzt. Allerdings, heller bedeutet nicht unbedingt wärmer, wie z. B. beim Lebensenergie-Fotoprozess und beim Laser beobachtet wird.
3) Wenn 1 500° F (815° C) die molekularen Bindungen zerbricht, was passiert dann mit Molekülen bei 10 000° Fahrenheit (5 600° Celsius) auf der Sonne? Ganz zu schweigen von den Atomstrukturen und der angenommenen größeren Hitze im Innern der Sonne! erklärt: „Die Sonne ist ein gigantischer Kernfusionsreaktor. Sie besteht hauptsächlich aus Wasserstoff. In ihrem Inneren sind Druck und Temperatur so hoch, dass Wasserstoffatome miteinander zu Heliumatomen verschmelzen. Dabei wird eine ungeheure Menge Energie frei.” Dennoch hat niemand jemals einen Atompilz von der Sonne ausgehend beobachtet! Wie man von Tschernobyl (1986, in Offenbarung 8:10 prophezeit) und von Fukushima (2011) weiß, hört der atomare Prozess nicht auf und kann nicht vermindert werden, wenn er ohne Kontrolle laufengelassen wird. Tschernobyl kühlt(e) die Reaktoren mit Wasser vom Pripyatfluss (Wasser, das schließlich radioaktiv ins Grundwasser läuft?). Fukushima arbeitet mit Meerwasser, das radioaktiv ins Meer zurückgeschleust wurde und wird! Man kann sich die Folgen für die Natur, das ozeanische Leben und das SeaFood (Meeresfrüchte) ausmalen. Die große Hitze der Sonne, ohne Kühlung, müsste alle ihre zugestandenen, materiellen Elemente in atomare Pilze umwandeln oder annihilieren, was nicht der Fall ist! Was aber kühlt die heiße Sonne?
4) Nach meiner persönlichen Forschung ist das Sonnensystem im Prinzip wie eine Teslakamera aufgebaut. Die Kamera arbeitet mit einem Metallkern, um den eine Spule gewickelt ist. Wenn elektrischer Strom durch die Anlage fließt, wird ein Ionisationsprozess, vom Kern ausgehend, erzeugt. Dieser Prozess reagiert auf unsere Energie und ermöglicht Lebensenergiefotos.
Abbildung 1. Tesla-Flares erhellen einen dunklen Raum. Auf Besuch bei
5) Was die Spule für die Kamera ist, sehe ich in den Planeten für die Sonne. Auch sie haben je, wie die Erde, ein elektrisch-magnetisches Feld, das nach meiner Theorie die „Sonnenkamera“ in Gang hält. Abhängig von der „Ansammlungsenergie“ der Planeten und ihrer Stellung zur Sonne, werden mehr oder weniger Flares der Sonne (Leuchtgeschosse) hervorgerufen. Die maximalen Sonnen-Flares haben einen etwas unregelmäßigen Rhythmus, der jeweils ca. 11 Jahre dauert. Das ist auch die Umlaufzeit von Jupiter um die Sonne, dem massivsten Planeten, etwa 11 Jahre! Zeitverschiebungen der Flares, nach meiner Ansicht, hängen nicht nur von der Stellung von Jupiter und den anderen Planeten zur Sonne ab, sondern auch von der Stellung der Planeten zueinander, variierend je nach Umlaufzeit. Was sind zum Beispiel die Umlaufzeiten von Erde, Mars und Jupiter um die Sonne? ( .)
Erde 365,256 Tage (mehr als 1 Jahr)
Mars 686,98 Tage, 1 Jahr und 322 Tage (fast 2 Jahre)
Jupiter 4 334 Tage, 11,869 Jahre. 11 Jahre und 317 Tage (fast 12 Jahre)
Der Einfluss des Riesen Jupiter (seine Masse gleicht 318 Erd-Massen) spielt gewiss eine führende Rolle beim durchschnittlichen Sonnenrhythmus von 11 Jahren! Jupiter kommt der Sonne am nächsten auf 4,95 AU (fast 5 AU) und ist am fernsten mit 5,46 AU (ca. 5 ½ AU). Eine AU (Astronomical Unit/astronomische Einheit) misst die Entfernung von der Erde zur Sonne: 150 000 000 km. ( Internet.)
Abbildung 2. Jupiter auf seiner Bahn um die Sonne (
Auch der „Schwergewichtler“ Pluto mag bei den Sonnen-Flares eine Rolle spielen. Seine weitreichenden Energien sind der Astrologie bekannt, werden aber von der Wissenschaft abgetan. Beim atomaren Unfall in Tschernobyl stand Pluto in exakter Opposition zur Sonne, von der Erde aus gesehen. Die Erfahrung der Astrologie lehrt, dass eine planetare Opposition Energien hervorbringt, die zu Antagonismen und Spannungen führen können, mit einer Möglichkeit der Entfachung und des Wachstums auf der Erde ( Im Fall Tschernobyl bedeutete das eine Fehlentscheidung, Überhitzung der Anlage, und eine Explosion. Genauso mögen die Sonnen-Flares durch Pluto und die anderen Planeten, wenn in bestimmten Positionen, eine Anregung erfahren. Es wäre zum Schutz der elektronischen Anlagen und Geräte wichtig, solche Einflüsse rechtzeitig bestimmen zu können.
Abbildung 3. Die Astrologische Karte zur Zeit des atomaren Tschernobyl Unfalls zeigt Pluto in exakter Opposition zur Sonne (von der Erde aus gesehen).
Aber, was sagt die Wissenschaft über den Ursprung der zeitweise intensivierten Sonnen-Flares?
Die offizielle Theorie zum 11-Jahres-Rhythmus der Sonnenintensität besagt, dass er durch die Polverschiebung der Sonne zustande kommt, dass aber die Sonne sich in elf Jahren wieder ausbalanciert (TV-Programm, Deutschland. Fragen bestehen: „Was verursacht die Polverschiebung der Sonne und was bewirkt den Ausgleich ihrer Aktivitäten?“ „Hat denn die Stellung der Planeten mit ihren elektromagnetischen Feldern gar nichts mit den Sonnen-Flares zu tun?“ „Gibt es noch andere, bisher unbekannte kosmische Einflüsse auf die Sonnen-Flares?“
6) Die Sonne besteht zumeist aus Helium, fand die Wissenschaft. (Andere Quellen nennen Wasserstoff.) Aber es würde mich nicht wundern, wenn das Gas Helium (oder der Wasserstoff) eine andere Rolle spielte, als jemals angenommen wurde. Sehen wir uns die „sonnen-hellen“ Laser an, die, je nach Medium mit ungeheurer Kraft sogar Materie entfernen, schneiden oder verschmelzen können. (Laser: Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation. Das klingt fast wie Sonnen-Flares!)
7) Sind Laserstrahlen heiß? „Der Laserstrahl…besteht nicht aus Materie, sondern aus Photonen, den sog. ‚Lichtteilchen‘, die keine Masse besitzen. Daher kann ein Laserstrahl keine Temperatur haben.“ ( Internet.)
8) Woraus besteht ein Laser? „Der Laser besteht aus einer externen Pumpquelle für Energie, einem aktiven Lasermedium und einem Resonator.“ ( Internet.)
9) Wie arbeitet der Laser? „Im Inneren des Lasergeräts befindet sich das aktive Lasermedium … [es] kann aus einer Gasmischung [oder z. B. aus Metall] … bestehen. Wird dem Lasermedium durch die Pumpquelle Energie zugeführt, gibt es diese als Laserstrahlung ab“. Als Resonatoren können Spiegel dienen, die die Strahlung verstärken. ( Internet.)
Abbildung 4. Laser und Tesla-Spule, beide kalte und helle Energie erzeugend. Rechts: Die hinzugefügte Primärspule ist lose mit der Sekundärspule gekoppelt. Das erübrigt den Metallkern der Kamera.
10) Das heißt, auch die Sonne kann wie ein Laserstrahl kalt arbeiten. Das Medium ist Heliumgas (der Metallkern bei der Teslakamera), die Pumpe sind die elektromagnetischen Felder der Planeten (ähnlich der elektrifizierten Spule der Kamera)! Es werden durch die Planetenfelder im Heliumgas Photonen erzeugt (wie beim Metallkern der Kamera). Die Planeten, je nach ihrer Stellung zur Sonne, dienen zugleich als Reflektoren (beim Mond auf der Erde zu beobachten und auch bei der Berührung der laufenden Kamera mit geerdeten Objekten). Die Ähnlichkeiten der Sonnen-Flares mit der Strahlung von Tesla-Kamera und Laser dienen als Denkanstoß, dass auch die Sonne kalt und mit stark vergrößerter Laserkraft leuchten kann.
11) Wir alle kennen Materie, die nicht „sonnenfest“ ist. Autoteile aus Plastik und Plastikgewebe von Terrassen-Stühlen mögen zerfallen, wenn sie bei Tag beständig von der Sonne bestrahlt werden. Das spricht ebenfalls für eine „Sonnen-Laserstrahlung“ und ist, neben anderen Umweltfaktoren, besonders in sonnenintensiven Gebieten zu beobachten und sogar bei Vorhängen hinter Glasfenstern bemerkbar, die von der Sonne bestrahlt werden.
12) Die Flares (Leuchtgeschosse) der Sonne sind genauso oder ähnlich geformt wie die, die von der Kamera als Lebensenergie erzeugt werden. Ich habe dies vor Jahren mit vergleichbaren Bildern gezeigt. Die Kamera also arbeitet mit einem kalten Lichtprozess, wie auch der Laser und, nach meiner Theorie, ebenso die Sonnenstrahlung.
Abbildung 5. Sonnen-Flares. September 1. 2024.
Von etwa Mitte Oktober 2024 an wurden verstärkte Sonnen-Flares, elektronische Störungen, und Internetausfall beobachtet. Wieder ist Pluto im Spiel, zusammen mit Mars. Diese beiden kraftvollen Planeten bilden 90 Grad zur Sonne, von der Erde aus gesehen. Könnten sie die Sonnen-Flares beeinträchtigt haben?
Abbildung 6. Lebensenergie-Foto, Fingerspitze. Foto: B. Loveland. 1992. (Schwarzer „Ball“: Teil des Fingers berührt die Tesla-Kamera.)
13) Die Tesla-Kamera wird durch das Berühren eines Menschen, der auf dem Boden steht, geerdet. Das könnte auch beim Laser der Fall sein, und falls so, bleibt hier das Mysterium der Erdung des Sonnen-Laser-Systems. Könnte die Erde diese Rolle spielen oder gar die „schwarzen Löcher“ im Weltall? Oder braucht die Tesla-Sonnenkamera keine Erdung?
Weitere Fragen werden hier angesprochen:
1) Was ist Licht? www.ScienceABC sagt, dass Licht auf der Anregung eines elektrischen Feldes basiert, was dann mit Elektronen das magnetische Feld anregt. Das magnetische Feld stimuliert dann das elektrische Feld usw. (Maxwells Gesetze), dabei eine Kettenreaktion auslösend. Wie die Tesla-Kamera mit hochfrequentem Wechselstrom operiert, so mag die Sonnenaktivität ebenso auf planetarischem „Wechselstrom” beruhen. Er kann von den sich bewegenden Planeten geliefert werden und auch durch pulsierende Sterne aus dem Weltall kommen. Mit zunehmenden Einsichten könnten wir immer mehr erkennen, dass das Universum als eine energetische Einheit wirkt, auch wenn es uns noch nicht gänzlich bewusst ist.
2) Woher kommen die Elektronen? Elektronen finden sich in Atomen auf verschiedenen Ebenen der Umkreisung des Atomkerns. Elektronen können z. B. durch Hitze (elektrische Birne) oder andere Einflüsse angeregt und dadurch auf eine höhere Ebene gehoben werden.
3) Was erzeugt Photonen? Da die Situation der „erhabenen“ Elektronen nicht stabil ist, fallen die Elektronen auf ihre Ebene zurück, dabei Photonen ausstrahlend. Wenn eine massive Anzahl von Elektronen auf ihre Bahnen zurückfallen, werden Ströme von Photonen frei: Sonnenlicht!
4) Was ist ein Photon? Die Wissenschaft sagt, dass ein Photon keine Masse hat und daher nicht warm/heiß werden kann. www.ScienceABC beschreibt das Werden eines Photons als eine unmittelbare „Erschaffung aus dem Nichts!“ Es ist erstaunlich, wie solche Aussagen dem Alten Testament nahekommen (Vergleiche mit 1. Mose 1. Hebräisch: Bereshit bara Elohim. Am Anfang erschuf Gott – aus dem Nichts, das Licht! Es folgt die Erschaffung der Welt, auf nicht materiellen Archetypen basierend. Siehe Voice of Lightning. NAS-Info*Letters.) Existiert die Sonne also „ewig?“ Die andauernden Kettenreaktionen der elektrischen und magnetischen Felder in der Sonne erschaffen Photonen „aus dem Nichts,“ ohne Substanzverlust der Sonne! Damit kann die Sonne ihren Inhalt durch die „Planetenpumpe“ behalten und „für immer“ bestehen!
Das aber steht im Gegensatz zur allgemeinen Wissenschaft. Danach existiert die Sonne seit 4,5 Mrd. Jahren – vorwiegend Wasserstoff verbrauchend. Sie wird sicher noch ca. 5 Mrd. Jahre funktionieren denn sie hatte, so die Wissenschaft, für 10 bis 13 Mrd. Jahre Brennstoff. Der Wasserstoffvorrat sei nicht unendlich und bei größerem Verlust würde sich die Sonne aufblähen und zu einem roten Riesen werden: Doppelt so groß aber wesentlich kühler als heute bis nur noch eine Kugel aus Helium übrigbleibt.
Abgesehen von dem, was uns die Sonnensonde zeigen wird – die hier entwickelte neue Denkweise bezüglich der Sonnenstrahlung, die ich LaserSonne™-Theorie nenne, wirft neue Fragen auf. Meine nächsten Erkundigungen wären:
1) Können die maximalen Sonnen-Flares von der Stellung der Planeten genauer vorhergesagt werden als bisher möglich? D.h. Diagramme und Methoden ähnlich wie sie in der Astrologie in Gebrauch sind, könnten dafür entwickelt werden!
Abbildung 7. Image, Jupiter. „Jupiter ist 2 ½-mal massiver als alle anderen Planeten im Sonnensystem zusammengenommen.” ( Internet.)
Zur Beurteilung, ob die seit einiger Zeit beobachteten extremen Sonnen-Flares mit der Sonnennähe von Jupiter, Pluto und anderen Planeten zu tun haben, bräuchte man eine astronomische Karte, die die Positionen der Planeten zur Sonne zeigen, wie astrologische Karten die Planetenstellungen im Verhältnis zur Erde angeben.
Abbildung 8. Planetenbahnen.
2) Eine weitere Frage ist: Was hält das Sonnengas zusammen?
3) Warum wird angenommen, dass die Sonne heiß ist, wenn es auf Mount Everest viel kälter ist (näher an der Sonne) als am Meer?
Die Erd-Atmosphäre – zunehmend von oben nach unten – wird durch eine Rotverschiebung der kalten Sonnenstrahlen erwärmt. (Selbst in der Sommerhitze fühlte ich als Teenager die Kälte der Sonnenstrahlung und wunderte mich!) Doch heutzutage wird durch den künstlichen Nano-Aluminiumstaub ein Deckel um die Erde gebildet: Metallstaub, der in die Atmosphäre gesprüht wird (von Flugzeugen aus gesprayt wie Pestizide auf Felder! Aerosol, Geoengineering, Wettermodifikation). Der Deckel unterbindet die „Atmung“ der Erde und hält Kälte und Hitze zurück. Er lässt die Hitze nicht weiter aufsteigen und abkühlen, sondern reflektiert sie sogar zurück zur Erde (; Regierungs-Reportagen, Reflexions-Programm). Die kühlere Luft (oben) sinkt, die warme Luft über Meer und Land steigt. Beide wirbeln umeinander herum und bilden massive Hurrikans und Tornados. Ergebnis: Klima-Veränderung mit beträchtlichen Schäden und Leiden von Menschen, Tieren und der Natur! Wir wissen, dass Aluminiumstaub Wasser anzieht: Es wurde für eine lange Zeit Deodorants beigesetzt. Aluminium-Töpfe und -Pfannen tauchten als Quelle für Alzheimers auf, das Gehirn austrocknend wie auch das Klima in Brasilien, Afrika und Indien? Dort herrschen langanhaltende Dürre, Hungersnöte und Brände. Wenn das Aluminium des Deckels aber „voll“ ist, entlässt es das gesammelte Wasser, das in bedrohlichen Massen auf die Erde fällt und zu unsagbaren Überschwemmungen führt (U.S. Ostküste, September 2024).
All das und mehr im Namen der Theorie, dass die Sonne heiß ist und die Erde mit Nano-Aluminiumstaub gekühlt werden könnte! Engineering: Wie kann man die Erde kühlen? August 9, 2022.
Die Annahme ist, dass Alumiumstaub wie vulkanische Asche wirkt und die Erde kühlt. Asche absorbiert Hitze und Aluminium selbst bleibt kühl (wie Back-Folien), aber es reflektiert die atmosphärische Hitze der Erde zurück zur bereits überhitzten Erde!
Abbildung 9. Links: Feuer von oben. (Offenbarung 13:13).
Abbildung 10. Rechts: Sogar Steine brennen. Blaue Häuser wurden nicht verbrannt.
Wie von Laborexperimenten bekannt, ist Nano-Aluminiumstaub explosiv und hat Wunderkerzenfunken am Himmel und „Feuer von oben“ auf der Erde erzeugt: Apokalyptisches Feuer, das vom Himmel kommt und sogar Schiffe auf dem Meer angezündet hat. (Siehe Brände, Internet und Offenbarung 13:11,13: „Und ich sah ein zweites Tier … das hatte zwei Hörner wie ein Lamm und redete wie ein Drache. … Und es tut große Zeichen, sodass es auch Feuer vom Himmel auf die Erde fallen lässt vor den Augen der Menschen.“ Es ist wiederum erstaunlich, was die Bibel vorhersagt, bevor etwas geschieht! (NAS-Artikel.) Die Feuer waren orangefarben, die heißeste Farbfrequenz, die der geniale Dinshah aus Indien bei Abstrahlung von Aluminium entdeckte (Dinshah. Es Werde Licht. 121)!
Der Deckel lässt am weißlich-blauen Himmel Vögel im Flug aus unserer Sicht verschwinden und verbirgt ebenso die fantastische Schau der Myriaden von Sternen. Diejenigen, die nach 1997 geboren sind, haben nie den tief-azurblauen Himmel erfahren, die Wunder der Milchstraße oder das funkelnde Universum bei Nacht erlebt (Offenbarung 6:13 sagt: „… und die Sterne des Himmels fielen auf die Erde …“ Das heißt, die Sterne verschwanden außer Sicht hinter dem Metalldeckel! Vor 2000 Jahren angekündigt! Mehr Details: NAS-Artikel. NAS-Film: The King’s New Sky*Robe. Physik als Cartoon.)
Abbildung 11. NAS-Movie. The King’s New Sky*Robe. Des Königs Neue Himmels*Robe “Cartoon-Kunst von R. Schmierer”.
Ich würde mich freuen, wenn Forscher mit dem Tesla-Laservergleich der Sonne das kosmische Spiel mit Aufgeschlossenheit von einer anderen Seite erforschten, um ausstehende Fragen bald zu beantworten und um dem Klimawandel ein mögliches Ende zu setzen. Ist die Wissenschaft nicht dazu da, alles Wissen zu erforschen?
Die Antwort zu allen Fragen liegt in einem Steinzeitgebet.
Abbildung 12. Steinzeitgebet
In: Prof. Dr. Herman Wirth. Führer durch das Ur=Europa=Museum. 62. 1975. [... ] von Bara. Der spirituelle Ursprung und die Bedeutung der Symbole dieses Gebetes mit Bezug auf unsere Energie und unser spirituelles Leben, wurde in mehreren NAS-Veröffentlichungen dargestellt.
Unsere Entscheidungen heute bestimmen unsere Zukunft! Bara
Weitere Inspirationen zum Nachdenken
von Bara
*Consciousness Versus Mind. NAS-movie. What is Consciousness, Mind, the Unconscious? Was ist Bewusstsein, Verstand und das Unbewusste?
*Perceptions of God – MindMade. NAS-movie and NAS-eBook. The changing image of God by concern and need. Das wechselnde Bild Gottes nach Bedarf und Notwendigkeit.
*Phenomena of Mysticism – UnSermonded. NAS-movie and NAS-eBook. Spirituelle, biblische Energien, nicht vor NAS-Veröffentlichung von den Kirchen und Klöstern gelehrt. Die indische Mysterienlehre in der Bibel.
*The eBook of Consciousness. NAS-eBook. Neue Definitionen Neurose, Symbol, Archetyp, das Unbewusste und mehr! Kann Gott definiert werden? Was sagte Christus am Kreuz (Eli, Eli …)? 2011.
*Zeitalter des Gefühls. NAS-eBuch. Deutsch. Gesellschaft ohne Strafen. Society without punishment.
*Adoration of the Madonna. With Antonia Hudson, Artwork. NAS eBook. Art, Facts, and Lullabies. Is a virgin birth possible? Krishna versus Christ? Kunst, Fakten und Wiegenlieder. Ist eine Jungfrauengeburt möglich? Krishna versus Christus?
*The King’s New Sky*Robe. NAS-Cartoon-movie. Des Königs neue Himmels*Robe. Cartoon-Kunst von Robert Schmierer. Wie der erd-erwärmende Traum des jungen Königs verwirklicht wurde und auf Anraten seiner kleinen Tochter verschwand.
*Voice of Lightning. 130 double-sided Info*Letters. NAS. NewAncient™ symbols and spiritual secrets in the Bible. NeuUralte Symbole, und spirituelle Mysterien der Bibel: Baum des Erkennens; Perle; enge Pforte; vier Flüsse; Berg; Schlange; zwei Schöpfungen des Menschen oder eine? Meditation in der Bibel; was der Name YHVH besagt; war Adam der Erste? Archetypen des Universums; Kuwait Ölbrände, Feuer und Tschernobyl in der Bibel; was Christus am Kreuz sagte (Eli, Eli …), was niemand bisher verstand; das Rätsel der Dreieinigkeit; und vieles mehr, den Kirchen und Gelehrten vor den NAS-Veröffentlichungen nicht bekannt.
*A New Earth Rising. Info*Letter, New Earth Foundation. Accomplishments by NEF and personal articles by Bara. Stiftungen von NEF und persönliche Artikel von Bara.
*Artikel auf Englisch über: Eine neue Ethik für eine neue Welt; 13 heilige Energiefelder; Hoffnung für schwarze Lungen; das Psychedelikum der Bibel; was ein Name besagt; 13 Gebote der Bibel; das geniale System der Schöpfung; die mysteriöse Trinity; was Sünde ist, in 3 Wörtern; Offenbarungen der Offenbarung, bereits erlebt; 7 neue Definitionen die nicht von dieser Welt sind, und vieles mehr.
von John Loveland
*A Chance for Peace, Peace for family community, and world. Frieden für Familie, Gemeinschaft und die Welt.
*Galactic Origin of Human Genesis – NAS-eBook. Worlds: Past, present, and next. Welten: Vergangen, gegenwärtig und kommend.
*GMO or OMG (Oh My Gosh) NAS-eBook. Results and the promotion of GMOs. Ergebnisse und die Förderung von GMOs. (
*The Holy Land – War and Peace, NAS-eBook. How negotiation-results were constantly invalidated. Mainly not by Palestine. Wie alle Verhandlungsergebnisse verachtet wurden. Hauptsächlich nicht von Palästina.
*Wheels of Wonders, NAS-eBook. Our main eFields and their symbolism in history: All the world knew! Unsere Haupt-Energiefelder und ihre Symbolik in der Geschichte: Einst der ganzen Welt bekannt!
Andere Movies/Filme bei
*NEF und Robert Schmierer. The Golden Nuts of Nuimi. Movie. Die goldenen Nüsse von Nuimi. Nüsse zum Leben, Nüsse zum Überleben: Sie wachsen anders als andere Nüsse und werden präpariert von einer Bevölkerung, die eine Dorfpumpe hat, Sandstraßen, und Tänze!
*NEF and Bara. Go Nuts with Nuimi. Movie. Sei mit Nuimi begeistert. Das verlorene Gold, historisch-königliche Demokratie, die Geschichte von The Gambia/West Afrika, die fabelhaften Menschen heute und ihr Wunsch und Bedarf.
*NEF and Bara. A New Earth Rising. Wie die selbstlose Generosität eines Mannes Tausenden auf der Erde half.
*Dinshah. Es werde Licht. Über den Gebrauch von Farbfrequenzen zum Lebensenergieausgleich und Farbfrequenzen, wie sie von chemischen Elementen abgegeben werden.
*Dinshah. Let There Be Light. On the use of color frequencies to balance life-energy and on color frequencies as given off by diverse chemical elements.
*Wirth, Herman, Prof. Dr. Führer durch das Ur=Europa=Museum. 1975.
Internet bittet um Ihre kleinen und großzügigen Spenden auf der Webseite, um Menschen, Tieren, und der Natur zu helfen. Danke! Bitte den NAS-Film A New Earth Rising ansehen! Astrologisches Diagramm. Planetare Umlaufzeiten. April 2022. Oktober 2, 2024. Feuer von oben. September 30, 2024. Steine brennen. September 30, 2024. Eine Webseite, die Klima-Veränderung beobachtet und nach der Hauptursache forscht. Laser-Schema. August, 27, 2024. Inspirierende Movies/Filme, Artikel/eBücher. NAS. Originale Forschung. Jupiters Bahn um die Sonne. Angesehen, September 21, 2024. Sonnen-Flares. September 1, 2024. Die Sonne als Atomreaktor. Wird die Sonne ewig scheinen? Tesla-Spule. September 1, 2024. Photonen.September 2, 2024. Tesla-Flares. September 2, 2024. Artikel zur Frage der Klimakühlung. August 9, 2022. Internet.
© Dr. Bara Loveland, June-20-2024. Not copy edited.
SCIENCE After the Middle Ages (c. 500 A.D. to 1500 A.D.), with their church’s scare of sorcerers and witches the Renaissance paved the way for a new era: “The Age of Enlightenment” (around 17th/18th centuries). To combat the scare, all beyond the 3rd dimension was unacceptable to the new thinker. This is topped in our time by atheistic science that forgot that All That Is came from a higher source – as our dreams are created by the esoteric Archetypes. Did not Prof. Max Planck say that religion and science aim at the ultimate source of all, the indivisible substance that created all? The Professor noted that religion found it in God, yet, science is still looking for the God-Particle, missing that God the Creator is above Its creation! God is not a nan (Bible).
BEYOND SCIENCE A part of what is beyond materialistic science is now used as scientific Remote Viewing by investigators for finding missing people and facts with great success. For millennia, it was Clairvoyance but rejected by materialistic science. Science mainly limits itself by the material world and neglects that what created it. Thus, the revelations of Revelation are widely unnoticed. Let us give a few examples the churches have not discovered, yet. Revelation prophesized events in c. 90 A.D. that would happen in the time of the end, our time. These were given to John the Beloved in the Greek island of Patmos. Revelation is about the future from c. 90 A.D. on, using past facts and symbols to get the points across – to the one who knows symbols. The Earth’s atmosphere refracting and bending the Sun’s rays. As a result, red light, with its longer the eclipse.” Can red Earth light reach the Moon? Or, do we see a red moon through the warming frequencies of modern Earh pollution/geoengineering that heats the Earth? Red light on ships is not carrying very far! [1]
REV. 6:12 BLACK SUN “The sun became black as sack cloth made from hair…” This event manifested during the Desert Storm war in Kuwait when c. 610 oil wells were on fire. This was unprecedented so that through the black smoke, it was indeed seen as being black! [2] Movie, The Fires of Kuwait. By D. Douglas.
REV. 18:2, 3, 4. 7, 9 BABYLON IS FALLEN “Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen…For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth are waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies….Come out of her my people that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues...How much she hath glorified herself, and lived deliciously…Therefore shall her plaques come in one day, death, and mourning, and [spiritual[ famine; and she shall be utterly burnt with fire…And the kings of the earth, who have committed fornication…with her, shall bewail her, and lament for her, when they shall see the smoke of her burning.” Rev. 18 brings a description of the goods the merchants trade there, from gold and pearls, fruits and linen, to animals and souls of men. Rev.18 speaks of sailors, Is it 9/11 of 2001 in NYC [3]? The old Babylon was not by the sea!
REV. 8:10, 11 WORMWOOD “..and there fell a great star from heaven, burning as it were a lamp…the star is called Wormwood; and the…waters became wormwood…and many men died of the waters...” The Russian name Chernobyl means Wormwood, an herb that can be fatal when overdosed! The star was the 1986 explosion, the poisoned waters were and are symbols of the poisonous energies from the atomic accident, still present. [4]
More revelations can be found in the free Info*Letters Voice of Lightning, Images by © or fair use,.
May the few examples call attention to the prophecies of the Bible, expressed in symbols! - Bara
© Copyright by Bara H. Loveland, PhD, ND, Dipl. Ing/Eng, MMsc, from original research of decades. Not copy-edited. An architect, when deciding to construct a building first envisions the purpose, design, and
building materials.
1. The purpose is the goal the building shall serve: Private, commercial, public, awardwinning.
2. The design is the archetype: The mere thought that profiles the intended building; and
3. the building material to shape the resulting symbols: Walls, gateways, and windows.
The System of Creation in Architecture
This system is ancient, as ancient as the world! It is a unique system, that streamed from the Love of God. How that?
In the beginning, there were two in One, Hebrew Elohim, comprising Eloah, a female name, given the male plural ending, im. (Genesis 1:1) These two in One were the architects of Creation: The ancient Heaven & Earth Mother, later Mother-God and Son as their symbols tell.
• Elohim’s purpose was to create award-winning beauty that is praise-worthy!
• Elohim first created the archetypes for the universe as given in Genesis 1 with detailed
levels, being the scaffolds for what they intended to create.
• The Son, remaining One with Eloah volunteered to be the building essence, known as
uni-polar Prana (East India) also called tachyons, a scientific-hypothetic part that cannot
be proven on the material level since it reaches beyond it. Prana can be seen in the sky!
What is Genesis 1 Describing?
THE PROCESS OF CREATION Genesis 1 describes the process of creation from purpose to archetypes, and building material.
THE PURPOSE OF CREATION The purpose was/is to be worthy of praise, “And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good.” (Genesis 1:31.) Using Elohim instead of God, reads, “And Elohim saw every thing that the Son had made from the Oneness with Mother Eloah, and, behold, it was very good.”
THE ARCHETPES OF CREATION The archetypes of Elohim are found in Genesis 1 in the 6-day sections: They are levels of Creation, frameworks for placing the universe.
THE BUILDING ESSENTIALS The building essentials, Prana/the Son was to assemble the physical world. How could this be done? By polarity that forms atoms, molecules and the entire universe with all that is in it. Prana/the Son, was to form polarity in “God’s image,” being twofold like Elohim, the Two in One. Both are It, neither man nor woman, “God is a Spirit.” (John 4:24). That is, God is immaterial and thus cannot be proven on the material level!
The System of the Creation of the World – Genesis 1
POLARITY Genesis 1:26 describes polarity as male and female, like Eloah and Son. (We speak of male and female connectors of a battery, creating energy.) “And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.” Man means polarity. Polarity was developed to build the material world. Life-energy shows polarity in man, and is revealed as bar bell (pelvis to head).
THE ENERGY SYMBOLS Yet, polarity was to be prevalent in all creation and fill earth, air, and land. These stand as symbols of creative energies: The unifier symbol (Godhead) is named as fish, the birds in the air signify 7 connective energy levels, and the cattle stand for the holy, biblical milk/dew. The expression “over all the earth” indicates the creation by polarity: The cosmos. We could say, “all the earth over,” to be more precise. Dominium over every creeping thing designates life-energy in all life, symbolized by the ancients as a serpent. (Genesis 1:27.)
COSMIC POLARITY God did not create humans at that point, saying, “Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it.” (Genesis 1:28.) Whom was God talking to? Polarity was addressed, encouraged to multiply, and fill the earth/cosmos. And it was so.
ARCHETYPES OF MAINTENANCE In Genesis 1:29, 30, God reveals the divine plan of maintenance. This plan is valid on several levels of creation like all ancient words have multiple meanings on levels from the material to the divine. Genesis 1:29 emphasizes seeds in order to continue creation forever. This divine intention is upset by GMOs, man-manipulated seeds that only germinate once and may change the DNA of other plants by cross-pollination and of the consumer as diets have shaped the characteristic of beings. Fish eaters tend to have long arms, legs, and heads; corn eaters may grow a long spine but arms and legs remain short; rice eaters are small and have small eyes since rice contains arsenic, using up minerals to be “detoxed.” Meat eaters might have coarse skin, a pronounced chin, and from meat=eating mothers a big mouth. Vegetarians/vegans get large eyes and fine skin, seen in vegetarian India of millennia.
THE FOOD PLAN On a plan for the soon created humans and animals, God gave a vegan fruit and leaf diet to humans, and an herbal diet to animals. (Genesis 1: 30, 31). The food plan contained only parts of the plants that could be easily replaced by the plant. Roots are not mentioned. Dairy was not a part of Paradise food. There was no killing or abusing anything in Paradise.
The Food of Paradise
PRAISEWORTHY INDEED “And God saw every thing that he had made. And, behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day. (Genesis 1:3). The Aquarian Gospel of Peace states that God created the world for Its own pleasure. This sacred book is more ancient than the Roman selected Bible version, upon which our Bible translations were/are based. The Vatican’s library release may show the confiscated originals.
WHAT GOD EXPECTS Is God expecting something from Its creation, especially from fallen humans? Indeed, three things:
• LOVE “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and
with all thy strength, and with all thy mind; and thy neighbour as thyself.” (Christ. Luke
10:27.) “If you love me, keep my commandments” (Christ. John 14:15).
• PRAISE “Give praise to the LORD, proclaim his name; make known among the nations
what he has done, and proclaim that his name is exalted” (Isaiah 12:4).
• APPRECIATION “Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good. His love endures forever”
(Psalms 136:1).
SUMMARY Genesis 1 tells us a) who God is (Elohim and It), b) Its System of Creation from goal to archetype and the building substance for polarity to dominate/lead the material world. c) There are not two creations of people in the Bible. Humans’ creation is described in Chapter 2.
Praise-worthy! “And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good.” (Genesis 1:31.) Until humans came along, abusing the freedom they were given. We must know that all that exists came from the unseen and can be made manifest in the seen. This is best done in meditation, asking the Creator Yeshua for his powerful assistance, in his name/essence within his name Yeshua: We may experience the power of being the positive Co-Creators!
“…for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal.”
Paul. 2 Corinthians 4:18.
If new insights may be “over someone’s head,” it may be rather beyond someone’s accustomed thinking.
- Bara
To IPPC Secretariat, c/o World Meteorological Organization,7 bis Avenue de la Paix CP, 3300 CH, 1211 Geneva 3, Switzerland. Ph +41 22 780 8208/54/84, Fax +41 22 780 8023/18
Dear IPPC,
We all are shaken by the intensive, deadly climate changes that developed the past 2 decades and they are becoming increasingly severe. People and animals fall dead from the heat! Can we halt or even reverse Climate Change? I believe so, having watched the sky for over two decades and applied physics to the facts.
What are the facts?
Is seems that in the desperate effort to halt climate change, scientists have decided to cool the planet by reflective substances. That is, the sun’s heat is to be reflected back to the universe! Merely, the mind errs: The sun is not hot, bright light does not mean hot. What is the proof?
Fact 1: The sun shows the same flares as cool life-energy! Furthermore, Mercury is closer to the sun but cooler than farther away Venus. Dr. David Baker, NASA co-worker, states in Planet Earth (38. 2015) that the sun has a surface temperature of 5778 Kelvin/K that is, 5504.85 Celsius/C, and 9940.73 Fahrenheit/F. An incinerator, breaking molecules by heat has a temperature of 1600 to 2500 F (, being up to 1371.11C, and 1644.26 K. Mercury would be incinerated if the sun were as hot as the scientists believe!
Fact 2: Earth’s climate is warmer at sea level, 59F/15C ( 7- 3-2024) and colder higher up on Mount Everest (July, -9C/-2F; January, -36C/-33F; the coldest temperature is -60C/-76F (;7-2-2024). If the sun were hot, the air on Mount Everest would be hotter than at sea level. Then, why is Venus warmer, being farther from the sun than the closer Mercury, and why is Mount Everest colder than the Earth at sea level when the mountain top is closer to the sun than the oceans?
Fact 3: Both, Earth and Venus have an atmosphere that shifts the cool sun rays toward Red and warms water and air! It is not the sun that warms, but the sun rays are filtered and transformed/ warmed by the Earth/Venusian atmosphere! Mercury has a thin atmosphere, or none.
Fact 4: Science tries to halt the deadly heat and the damages caused by climate change and thus designed programs to reflect the sun rays back into space to cool the Earth. It is scientifically believed that the ash from volcanoes has caused the Ice Ages. A “lid” of something reflective may do the same, they thought! Unfortunately, physics does not agree. Undeniably, by the end of the 19th century, with increasing numbers of factories/cars, the Earth slowly began to warm. Yet now, warming is happening by an accelerated tempo: Since reflective programs are fully running (circa 1997), the Earth heated more radically than ever before: Storms, flooding, droughts, cold, and heat waves escalated. The Southwest U.S. had no monsoon in years! Why?
Fact 5: Ash is a non reflective powder that can absorb heat and can be pushed up by warm air to release heat away from the Earth. “SAI [stratospheric aerosol injection] seeks to reproduce the cooling effect of volcanic eruptions by injecting sulfates into the stratosphere, to form a reflective aerosol.” (https:/ The errors are, in such thinking and in climate change debates, conferences, and programs:
A) To assume that the sun is hot and B) to assume that reflective material is acting like cooling ash!
Same or other programs may run by different names, e.g., the governmental solar modification program (SMP) (Report by, 7-2-2024), also known as geoengineering ( ( R/R47551). Like the SAI, SMP uses a reflective “lid” that differs from ash: By its nano nature the “lid” forms a dense cover around the globe that traps the larger hot or cold air molecules. The dense lid reflects the rising/warm air back to the Earth before warmth could be released to the universe: It chokes the lung of the Earth! The compact lid is made up of reflecting nano aluminum (all in the air; non left for alu windows, now only in plastic) and other chemicals. Alu cools the rising warm air that starts to sink. Yet, more warm air is rising, pushing up into the sinking air, so that cooler and warmer air swirl and form enormous hurricanes and tornadoes. The alu lid is causing an orange shift (hottest color) of the cool sun rays (Dinshah. Let There Be Light. Predominance of Color per Element. 97. 2009), with unexpected, increasing problems: Cool sunlight now feels like infrared burns. Alu sucks up water (used in deodorant) and floods it down when “full,” e.g., U.S. SE coasts, while the SW had no monsoon in years! Trees have black mold and are mass dying for lack of UV rays through reflectors. The alu dust settles on screens, window sills, and spider web, ends up in food and water, with rising inflammatory and respiratory illnesses!
Fact 6: If this is insight beyond present scientific awareness and more than you could accept, please watch the free King’s New Sky Robe movie @ It shows the climate disaster as “physics in art form” to understand how reflection-physics works against scientific assumptions. You will be entertained and even your kids can appreciate the positive outcome. The solution is in our skies: Bring the deeply blue sky back, clear the lid off the sky, and reverse Climate Change, starting today! Save trees, then clear other pollutants.
Thank you for being the hero. Please add this info to your 7th cycle. Thanks, from Life on Earth!
Dr. Bara H. Loveland. PhD, ND, Dr. Ing/Eng.
This article may be sent to other climate concerned agencies/locations. Save life and planet!
© Copyright by Dr. Bara H. Loveland, 3-16-2024, Examples
This work is based on original research, rediscovery, observation, and/or new-ancient facts. It shares original research results for spiritual-energy education! Paraphrasing or copying is permitted if nothing is added or omitted from parts used, when the original meanings are retained, and the source is given as: “ original and sacred research.”
Many of these original research results and ideas have been published elsewhere, even in the news, without giving the source for verification – too frequently misunderstood since the imitators are commonly missing the spiritual experiences and the original research of decades – not taught in schools or churches.
See it here first! More to come for a better understanding of spirituality, each other, nature, and creation.
EARTH ERROR In the Christian world, religions that are Bible-based see the Holy Book as the unerringly Word of God. The pope, as representative of God on Earth was declared infallible until finally the church admitted in 1992 through Pope John Paul II that the Earth rotates around the sun, just as Galilei, a student of Copernicus has taught. In 1633, for this scientific teaching, Galilei’s life was threatened by the Roman Church so that he saw no other way but to deny his knowledge. However, later he said, “Und sie bewegt sich doch.” (And it [the Earth] still moves.)
The church in dimmed light.
SPIRITUAL WORLD CONFUSION Today, established churches speak of spirituality in the Bible, yet hinting rather at symbolism, for they do not teach spirituality. They do not know about it, dismiss it as “pagan, or even claim that meditation is Eastern and therefore agnostic since they do not really know the spiritual content of the Bible: Meditation is mentioned several times in the Bible (Genesis 24:63, Joshua 1:8, Psalms 1:2, etc., …). Meditation is also called “waiting for God” (original research) (Hosea 12:6, Psalms 27:14, Psalms 25:5, etc, ..,..). Even an Indian mudra is found in the Bile (khechari mudra; original research), a practice that creates frequencies in the upper gum to gently vibrate the pituitary above the gum.
BIBLICAL PRACTICE Long ago, I was invited to experiment with the Monroesound tapes that use the sound technique of the Tibetan bells. Listening to these music, I felt my pituitary vibrate in my head, assuming that this was a general experience from the hums. Yet, nobody else in the group had such experience: The pituitary is the root of the spiritual Crown, the Crown of Life. It is also called by other names (Revelation 2:10, 1 Peter 5:14, 2 Timothy 4:8, 1 Thessalonians 2:19, 1 Corinthians 1:24/25). The spiritual origin of the crown symbol is unbeknown to the established churches. (On the Crown, see John B. Loveland, Wheels of Wonders).
Crown-of-Life Symbols
ALPHA STATE Meditation is the only direct connection we have with God (original research). No well-phrased sermon may deliver such since the sermon addresses the cerebral mind. A meditative state can be scientifically measured during which the cerebral frequency drops from 40 or 60 Hz (or higher) to 8 Hz and below. 8 Hz is the vibration of the Earth and is called Alpha State. At this state, we are in harmony with our planet and all its life forms, oceans, and mountains. It is the state of peace! We glide through Alpha when we fall asleep and when we wake up. Not being able to sleep means not reaching the Alpha state of peace. Why then, in olden times were wars called holy wars?
THE HOLY WAR The ancient and old wars were fought eye to eye with death at arm’s length, literally. This imminent danger to life made the cerebrum surrender to a meditative state so that the Higher Self could take over: A spiritual involvement, that is otherwise also experienced when our sacred life-energy is rising! The ruler of a country would lead his armies into battle, ahead of all! Today, the head of state of a country sends “boots” into war and the investors gain. They soldiers fight with and against weapons of mass destruction, likely suffering incapacitating injuries and PTSD (PostTraumatic Stress Disorder) often for life – while the head is secure at home! The soldiers are not expected to fight in a meditative state: They have not learned meditation. If they incidentally glide into Alpha or below, they may discard it since the cerebral brain is on high alert!
The Holy War, eye to eye.
BIBLE SOURCES Churches believe that their Bibles are the Word of God. They do not question the sources of the Old and New Testaments, or the quality of their translations that depend on the spiritual understanding of the translator. The modern translations are the impoverished version of the text that was left for us by the early Roman Church and contained at least the (unrecognized) spiritual symbols. All scrolls of the O.T. of that time were burnt with the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem in 587 BC. They were much later rewritten, believed from channeled dictates by God, albite through a medium of changed awareness that was heavily influenced by centuries of foreign rulership over the people.
Ancient scribes.
As fast as they could, scribes wrote down the spoken messages in a spiritual language not really familiar to them. This left the gates open for errors. The oldest dated New Testament and Old Testament we have are from the 4th century; edited, copied and translated under Roman influence with hundreds of years of options for typos and falsification, landing in our Bible tomes.
FLIES EDIT THE BIBLE Dr. George Lamsa, having grown up with the Aramaic language points at several errors in the Bible. One is by the Aramaic script working with dots that change the meaning of words by being placed above or below a letter. Thus, he found that dots made by flies fool the readers of the Bible! More serious errors are those when the word heads is taken literally and is translated as heads of leaders to hang up in trees! God is Love and would not demand this! (Info*Letters, Voice of Lightning.) Meditation is the key to proper understanding.
BIBLE: INTENSIONALLY FALSIFIED? The Roman Church version of the Bible says that Pilate washed his hands in innocence for not having found fault with Christ (Matthew 24:27). Why than would he order the brutal torcher of the Creator of the Universe? It does not make sense. Merchants, bystanders at the event related that not the Roman Pontius Pilatus but the Elders washed their hands (although not having stoutly defended Christ)! Dr. Lamsa reports that the Judeah Elders in Jerusalem had no jurisdiction over a man of Galilee, Christ! The Jews did not crucify Christ! What a lie by the church! They also dared to falsify the 13 Laws of God (Exodus 20) by leaving out the ones that did not make money, splitting others, or combining two to make 10. There are 13 in all for “I am the Lord thy God” is one; it is not just an introduction. It is like a father saying to his children, “I am your father.” That means, he rules and is the law of the house.
THE BIBLICAL STEPS Modern translators wanted to make practical sense of the spiritual symbols and gave them more worldly meanings, falsifying the text further. The biblical steps are buttered (Job 29:6), yet, when taken literally, this would mean they are slippery. The so well-in-tensioned modern writers translated butter by buttermilk that would make the steps less slick, yet is not correct in the spiritual experience! Today’s Bible translations totally miss the spiritual teachings of the steps!
Slippery steps.
Only New Age churches teach some spiritual symbols such as the single eye, or the Crown – and meditate! They are discredited by the established churches. Did not Christ say, “Many will come in my name, saying, ‘I [Christ] am Christ,’ and will deceive many”? (Matthew 24:5-8.) It is interpreted otherwise, that many will come and say that they are Christ; yet in 2000 years, this has rarely happened and includes the status of the pope! How can the churches deceive their congregations? By not being open to new spiritual insights and practices!
SPIRITUAL INSIGHT When seeing the Cain and Abel sacrifices from a spiritual point of view (Genesis 4:4), Abel did not kill. He did not offend God’s Law, “Thou shalt not kill,” and God did not approve of the killing of animals (Info*Letter. Voice of Lightning)! Why else would God send his son as Lamb of God to die a cruel death for the animals, meant as the last bloody sacrifice? The bloody sacrifices of little, crying lambs at the Temple did not end until in 71 AD the Temple was destroyed by the Romans. What destructions are we waiting for before we will follow the 13 Laws of God?
CROSS AND NAME Releases from the ancient Vatican-confiscated books tell us that Jesus was not his name. It was Yeshua – the Savior! The early Christians had the fish as their logo, not the cross. It was the gospel of joy that Christ brought, joy under all circumstances. It spread from Palestine to Asia, India, China, Africa, and Europe! The fish was the ancient symbol of the unifier, originally signifying our life-energy, then symbolized as Heaven and Earth Mother, before God turned man.
Christian fish ichthus and Ra’s Boat
Genesis 1:1 in Hebrew speaks of Elohim, from Eloah, a female name and im, a male plural ending: Mother and son as One! Christ renewed the knowledge about spirituality and forgiveness of sins. “Your sins are forgiven,” (Luke 7:48-50), “Sin no more.” (John 8:11). God and Christ are One, God is Love, and Love does not punish but unifies with itself. Love allows. Punishment? We do it to ourselves!
CIRCASEPTAN RHYTHM The Seventh Day Adventists and other churches practice the Sabbath Day, given by God in his Laws (Exodus 20). The Sabbath follows a 7-day rhythm, called CircaSeptan Rhythm, a rhythm of rest and rejuvenation. A seven-day week is followed around the world among all religions, tribes, and societies! However, the early Roman Church first allowed worship on Sunday beside on Sabbath, then forbid Sabbath celebrations! What a mistake! Such tactic is still used, called Salamitaktik in German (increasingly dictatorial orders in small slices with one goal). Now studies show that quests for health solutions surge on Monday and Tuesday. It was interpreted as a sign that people not only wanted to make a New Year’s resolution, but also one at the beginning of each new week. Nevertheless, the facts are that God’s Laws prevail: People, working on the Sabbath Day, are “hanging in” on Sunday and feeling the consequences of missed renewal of energy on Monday and Tuesday! We know of the Monday cars: Cars with flaws made on Mondays because the workers have not renewed their energy on Saturday as God wanted it to be! Science realized that there is a CircaSeptan Rhythm in all life forms. Did not the Bible say that humans and animals should rest this day and not do any work? Emergencies excepted.
MISSED SPIRITUALITY These few examples my suffice here to show that churches err when it comes to spirituality. (More is found in the Info*Letters Voice of Lightning.) How could someone translate or preach the spiritual teachings of the Bible without spiritual experience? What is spirituality? My definition is,
“Spirituality is the divine energy application of our God-given talents.” (The Parable of the Talents. Matthew 25:14-30.)
Let your light shine!
Without using their spiritual talents, how else could the ancients have built the Pyramids, Machu Picchu, or Stonehenge? Certainly not with rollers, for how could they lift the huge and heavy rocks out of the mountain and unto the rollers? They had spiritual knowledge and practiced it!
REMEMBER We still have the tool for such experiences, our Body. We only have to remember! Bara
© Copyright by Dr. Bara H. Loveland, 3-23-2023
This work is based on original research, rediscovery, observation, and/or new-ancient facts.
It shares original research results for spiritual-energy education!
Paraphrasing or copying is permitted if nothing is added or omitted from parts used,
when the original meanings are retained, and the source is given as:
“ original and sacred research.”
Many of these original research results and ideas have been published elsewhere, even in the news, without giving the source for verification – too frequently misunderstood since the imitators are commonly missing the spiritual experiences and the original research of decades – not taught in schools or churches.
See it here first! More to come for a better understanding of spirituality, each other, nature, and creation.
PSYCHEDELIC HEALING News on latest research reveals that some psychedelic mushrooms (1) are effective in relieving depression, anxiety, and several physical disorders that may be based on emotions or stress. The scientific validation on the effects of psylocibin mushrooms caused a “new” trend, yet known and used by Native societies for thousands of years. A report by The Guardian states that Johns Hopkins University even enlists priests, rabbis, and a Buddhist to test the effects of psychedelic drugs on the religious experience (2)! Don’t the holy men know the divine psychedelic that was discovered millennia ago? It is the psychedelic of the Bible!
RELIGION, THE TIE TO GOD What is this mysterious psychedelic of the Bible, having the same effects like psychedelic mushrooms, yet without possibly negative, long-term side-effects? Many Bible verses tell about this psychedelic of the Bible. What could it be? It is “waiting for God,” also called meditation. It was meant to be taught by religions for the direct encounter of people with Elohim (Genesis 1:1) that is, God/Yeshua. The word religion comes from Latin religare, to tie, to bind, or to “keep together.” So-called “pagan” religions kept this psychedelic in songs, mantras, dance, and sitting in wait, yet established churches dismissed and dismiss this Bible psychedelic as “Eastern” or “New Age!” They are mainly following the c. 700 year old church doctrines, as well as the misinterpretations, mistranslations, and falsifications of the Bible by the early Roman Church fathers. Naming Yeshua by the Roman mock name Jesus is a Bible sign of distortion. They depicted Christ as donkey (3)! Almost 700 years of Roman Church restrictions on sacred data and mockery of God/Christ became the modern churches’ tradition.
THE BIBLES’ PSCHEDELIC Where is the Bible’s psychedelic mentioned?
As Waiting for God; Examples Psalms 27:14. “Wait on the Lord…and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait…on the Lord.” Psalms 130:5-6; Psalms 33:20; Lamentations 3:25; Isaiah 40:31.
As Meditating, Meditation; Examples Gen. 24:3, “And Isaac went out to meditate in the field.” Psalms 1:2; Psalms 5:1; Psalms 143:5.
Meditation is understood as focusing the mind [awareness] on God as in Colossians 3:16, and Philippians 4:4. It seems that the term meditation was left out of the Roman coined N.T., since in meditation people could connect with Christ/God and know!
FULFILLMENT BEYOND THE CHURCHES Ever since the pagan Roman takeover of Christianity in the 4th century A.D., the established churches miss out on this connective task of religare so that after c. 700 years people finally turn away from the incomplete teachings not according to Christ. They hope for fulfillment and joy in other ways, on the physical level via excitement, through food, drugs, gambling, drinking, and – mushrooms, the latter connecting with the inner world beyond the material. Yet, mushrooms cannot offer what meditation does.
DID YESHUA MEDITATE? Yeshua spent 40 days fasting in the wilderness. How did he spend his days? He went to Jebel Quruntul, the Mount of Temptation, West of Jericho, Palestine. In the 40 days with God in nature, Yeshua had tied his connection with and trust in God, needed for his task to save the animals from human brutality, so that he easily rebuked the Devil. A mount is an ancient symbol of meditation, shown as the upside-down double U (4), presenting cerebrum as “mountain head,” as twin mountains.
ORIGIN OF THE TWIN MOUNTS The idea of the Twin Mountains may originally have come from the two Sun Gates when the sun touched the horizon at the North Pole at sun rise and sunset in the spring of Pangaea. The Sun Gates were seen in the first and last sun “bows” in U-shape in Paradise. They are the reminder of our inner energy, to rise like the polar sun through the Twin Mountains that hold the “valley of death” (Psalms 23:4), our rational mind. We must cleave the twin mountains or move them (Matthew 17:20) for our sacred energy to rise and upsurge into the enlightenment with God – in meditation!
REMEMBERING GOD A Bible verse that seems to be asking for a punishment by YHVH (9) for forgetting God, is indeed a meditation exercise that is known and practiced in India. The Bible verse says, “If I do not remember thee, let my tongue cleave to the roof of my mouth” (Psalms 36:5-6) (M). The tongue, rolled up to the roof of the mouth forms an energy connection with the pituitary gland that is found above the upper gum. When we are humming OM (10) and rolling up our tongue (11), the pituitary is activated and its vibration may be physically felt!
WHAT IS THE BIBLE MESSAGE TO THE CHURCHES? Churches and religious practices were established to teach the connection with the Divine, to wait for God (Psalms 27:14) that is, in meditation (Genesis 27:3), as well as with prayer and fasting (Mathew 17:21). Being in nature’s balancing realm under a deeply blue sky, with clean air, and purified water (12) could finally halt the overactive, analytic, egocentric, and even destructive cerebral MindMill, and relieve stress by reconnecting us with our true source. The established churches have already the indoor ambiance for meditation (13): Incense-purified air, sacred candles, flowers, uplifting music, sacred words, and songs, yet they miss out on meditation. What if they would offer it?
Would not the people stream back to get ever new and deeper insights into the Sacred and have a personal relationship with the Divine, directly experiencing Elohim within, letting God speak, and listening to God, instead of just hearing about God, or talking to God in prayer?
HOW CAN WE ENCOUNTER THE DIVINE? This happens naturally when the cerebral mind is calmed from 60-80 Hz of worries, negative emotions, and stress down to 8 Hz (14) and below, into the Alpha-state of peace. We pass through Alpha when we fall asleep or wake up, yet we only glide though it. Still, in meditation (15), we may remain aware in the Alpha-state and even soaring below to Theta or Delta. These states are scientifically measured and proven! We can use these states to reach the sacred realms and meet directly with our Creator, Christ/God.
ARE THERE RULES OF MEDITATION? If we use helpful self-guided, guided, or Zen meditation, the message and intent must be 100% positive. Addressing any negativity or stating a negative word without immediate remediation may cause long-lasting emotional/spiritual damage, even a state of non-functioning in society, called “disease” or “mental illness” (B*C Light MeditationTM). The Spiritual Exercises of Ignatius of Loyola (1491-1556) use meditative mental imagery with the goal of knowing Christ more intimately and loving him more ardently.
WHAT MAY BE THE RESULTS FOR THE CHURCHES? When offering meditation and sharing the individuals’ results, the churches likely will see a return to God from atheistic and agnostic (dis)believes: People coming back for more psychedelic, spiritual experiences in the churches without the mushrooms and their possibly, long-term negative side-effects – and finally, by meditation causing true happiness that was meant to be. Will the churches hear the message?
Prayer is glorifying God, thanking God, requesting of God, imploring God, or complaining!
Meditation means letting God speak and listening to what God says.
© Copyright by Dr. Bara H. Loveland, 4-3-2023
This work is based on original research, rediscovery, observation, and/or new-ancient facts.
It shares original research results for spiritual-energy education!
Paraphrasing or copying is permitted if nothing is added or omitted from parts used,
when the original meanings are retained, and the source is given as:
“ original and sacred research.”
Many of these original research results and ideas have been published elsewhere, even in the news, without giving the source for verification – too frequently misunderstood since the imitators are commonly missing the spiritual experiences and the original research of decades – not taught in schools or churches.
See it here first! More to come for a better understanding of spirituality, each other, nature, and creation.
CONVENTION VS. NEW INSIGHTS Definions of lexica assist in learning the current meaning of a word and its spelling. Diconaries are rendering a great service with their descripons of as it is commonly accepted. Yet, they have refused new and deeper insights into a term. That’s how new (e)Books came about, defining important terms that can change the percepon of “God and the world.” Somemes they are formulated a(er years of studies, somemes they come “out of the nowhere,” from “out-of-this world.”
Such “Out-of-this-World” definions are
1. Neurosis (1)
2. Symbol
3. Archetype
4. Mind
5. The Unconscious
6. Consciousness
7. God (2) and Creaon (3).
A TABLE OF CONVENTIONAL VS. NEW The adherence to the generally accepted meanings of the given words and their new understanding are given in the following table for those interested in new insights, especially when they are based on sacred energies.
THE CEREBRAL MIND IS THE PROBLEM How long may it take for dictionaries to update their work to some more finely delineated terms that assist the Mind in realizing its role and to netter comprehend “God and the World?” This may take years in our Mind-celebrating society since the new perception of the given terms directs the Mind in its rightful place of limitation! The Mind with its seat in the short-sighted cerebrum was created to analyze (Das innere Weltbild, The Inner World Conception, 1982). Thus, it can only focus on and grasp the 1- and 2-valid forms of logic of “either-or” (11) and “as-well-as” (12). It cannot grasp the 3-valid logic of miracles (13) where all is One and even opposites unite.
Our Mind-oriented society leaves religion and churches, some turning to psychedelics since the established churches do not offer new excitement, going beyond the Mind! The cerebral Mind is made for analysis to save the system unnecessary stress, looking out for the negative to protect the ego. Consequently, the Mind became the ruler of this world with negative judgements, bad news, violent children’s movies, followed by unacceptable behavior, seeding worries, greed, distrust, and scare to secure itself in an attempt to fill its never-ending need. Deceit became “good business!” The cerebral Mind converted from protector to be the destroyer of the planet, the polluting abuser of dwindling resources, the one that treats the feeling animals and nature with unbelievable brutality! The Mind falsifies the harmony of genes for millions of generations to come, causes earthquakes and tsunamis by fracking, drilling, and rocket launching, and creates a climate change with drought, flooding, heat, and extreme cold by atmospheric metal dust (the King’s movie). Can this mind be healed and the planet with its precious life be saved?
THE SOLUTION If we act quickly, being at the present brink of no-return, we may be able to reverse the climate change and the destruction of the Earth. How can this be done? By the “Psychedelic of the Bible!” It is something that leads, like hallucinogenic mushrooms beyond the cerebral Mind [only in more delightful ways] to the realm of the 3-valid logic, the realm of miracles and the Divine. It is mentioned in the Bible as “waiting for God” and “meditation.”] I wonder how many Bible terms named “prayer” really mean meditation.] Indeed, overcoming the cerebral Mind in contemplation leads us to experience divine peace, gives us knowing, and enlightens us beyond the Mind and present science that limits itself to the material realm.
All matter came from a higher level, from the realm of divine Intension, of Elohim (14), Mother and Son (Genesis 1:1; Eloah is a female noun, im a male ending, both are One in Elohim). The world came into being as “Archetypes of Creation” (Genesis 1; initially explained in NAS Yeshua Info*Letters). Then the Archetypes materialized as Paradise (15) (Genesis 2), as life in nature and at peace, with a meditative state being the way of life. Effects of meditation were scientifically measured, reducing the cerebral worry and anger rates of 40-80 Hz down to 8 Hz of concord (and below; 16), where insights dwell, where anything can be known that is focused upon. From there, “All That Is,” was, and will be created streams forth without limits.
Imagine, billions of cerebral Minds (16) calmed to a meditative state, living 24/7 at 8 Hz, the frequency of peace! Imagine! It will be a new world, and it begins With You!
© Copyright by Dr. Bara H. Loveland, March 2021. Images by the author or by fair use.
This work is based on original research, rediscovery, observation, and/or new-ancient facts.
It shares original research results for spiritual-energy education!
Paraphrasing or copying is permitted if nothing is added or omitted from parts used,
when the original meanings are retained, and the source is given as:
“ original and sacred research.”
Many of these original research results and ideas have been published elsewhere, even in the news, without giving the source for verification – too frequently misunderstood since the imitators are commonly missing the spiritual experiences and the original research of decades – not taught in schools or churches.
See it here first! More to come for a better understanding of spirituality, each other, nature, and creation.
Born from the Lotus. The “lotus is used as primal and ultimate container and receptacle
of life and whatever there is of the divine in human life” J.C. Cooper.
An Illustrated Encyclopaedia [sic]. 101; origin given in
B. Loveland, Phenomena of Mysticism – UnSermoned.
THE ANCIENT IDEA The Trinity may be best known among Christians as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Yet the idea of the Trinity is very ancient and is found in many other religions. St. Jerome, an early Christian theologian, noted that many of the ancient nations believed in a Trinity. Where could the idea of the Trinity have its foundation when so many religions and nations recognized it by ancient tradition, not knowing its origin?
The symbol of the Banner of Peace by Nicholas Roerich.
BANNER OF PEACE The Trinity as a dot-trio is documented as Banner of Peace by the Russian artist, Nicholas Roerich, shown with a woman as “defender of the banner.” It is interpreted as representing art, science, and religion; or past, present, and future with the circle of eternity. Yet, it has fascinating allusions since it uses ancient sacred symbols: The dot in the circle ? and the triad ;;; shown as three dots, are both talking directly to the all-knowing aspects within us (The eBook of Consciousness) so that we sense an ancient, numinous presence of unknown origin.
TRIQUETRA As the Christian Triquetra, the Trinity shows interlaced, encircling rings building the Trinity knot, very similar to Roerich’s idea. The Triquetra, however, spells out in images what may be interpreted as another one of the meanings of Roerich’s three dots: Christ the child, Christ the savior, and the Holy Spirit.
Mitsu Domoe or Fire Wheel
MITSU DOMOE With an added attribute of flames, Roerich’s trinity dots are depicted as Mitsu Domoe, or Fire Wheel, placed in Buddhist and Shinto temples of Japan!
Flowing Trinity
IN THE FLOW The simplest Trinity is found in the triangle connecting all its sides in a flowing line. Following the idea of flow, the Trinity was depicted in one curving, connected line, containing Roerich’s Oneness, expressed by his circle.
Trinity Knot
TRINITY KNOT As a “Spiral of Life,” the mystical, intertwined Trinity Knot unites the circle and knot. It represents the intertwined aspects of body, mind, and soul, or the flow of birth, life, and death.
Horus, Osiris, Isis
Son, Holy Spirit, Father
Brahma/Creator, Vishnu/Sustainer
Shiva/Transformer (BL); Trimurti
PERSONIFICATIONS OF THE TRINITY – ONENESS IN DIVERSITY The idea of birth, life, and death leads us to the personifications of the Trinity. This epitome as an archetype is known around the world, from Egypt as Horus, Osiris, and Isis; from ancient India as Trimurti; or from Christianity as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit: Three as being One!
He may be Quetzalcoatl
Three-faced Babylonia figure
Mexico, like Babylonia, showed the Oneness of the Trinity by images with three faces.
LEGENDARY TRINITIES Germanic tribes had Odin/ruler of Asgard, home of the gods; Thor/thunder, lightning; and Fryr/peace, rain; the Greeks knew Poseidon/water; Zeus/sky; and Adonis/desire; whereas in Rome, there were Pluto/wealth/underworld; Jupiter/sky/thunder; and Neptune/water. In her book, An Illustrated Encyclopaedia [sic] of Traditional Symbols, J. C. Cooper lists additional Trinities and states that the original Trinity was male-female, united by intelligence. Since so many Trinities existed among pagans before the advent of Christianity, no wonder that sources state that the idea of the Trinity was “entirely pagan.” However, where does the term “pagan” come from and what is its meaning?
PAGANISM The term “pagan” comes from the Latin word pagus, meaning a small, rural piece of land. The word was later used by the church as a negative term for the “unfaithful atheist.” Why were rural landowners, the pagans, labeled negatively by the term “pagan” – meaning without God? Because the pagan landowner family was unable to walk miles every Sunday to be in church? Or lacked enough funds to lavish on the church? When without God is “pagan,” are science and business of today also “pagan” – without God? The ancient pagan sources and their exemplifications of the Trinity, however, missed the origin of the Trinity by far, yet, so did all other explanations including the Christian version!
Trinity: Diversity in Oneness
ORIGIN WANTED None of the many simple or sophisticated images nor their names, descriptions, or interpretations reveal the origin of this mysterious Trinity! Nonetheless, someone got it right: Each member of the Trinity is represented by a symbol with a different function, yet all are forming a unit in divine Oneness. In the symbol of the Trinity above, God is not identical with the Son or the Holy Spirit; the Son is not identical with God or the Holy Spirit; nor is the Holy Spirit identical with God or the Son! Yet all three symbols form a unit in Oneness; they function only together, as One! Nevertheless, what do they symbolize and what is the origin of this mysterious idea? Is the Trinity mentioned in the Bible?
DID CHRIST SPEAK OF THE TRINITY? In the biblical reports, Christ never used the term Trinity! However, the New Testament is describing the baptism of Christ as the presence of three: The dove (Holy Spirit) is descending from God (the Father) upon the beloved Son! Furthermore, in apostolic texts we read,
“And Christ came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen .” Bible, Matthew 28:18-20.
Traditional Adult Baptism
Later Infant Baptism
THE PAGAN CHRISTIAN TRINITY The suggestion of an explicit Christian Trinity as a doctrine was only brought up in the 3rd century AD by Tertullian, a church father, but it was not well received. This idea was only more widely recognized in the 4th century AD, after in 381 AD the Council of Constantinople added the (suddenly no longer “pagan”) Trinity to the then already existing version of the Nicene Creed. It is interesting, that the Holy Spirit, part of the Trinity, is introduced in the Creed as Lord and Giver of life!
“I believe in one God, theFather Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth, and of all things visible and invisible. ...And in theHoly Ghost, theLord and Giver of life, who proceedeth from the Father, who with the Fatherand theSon together is worshiped and glorified…”
NON-TRINITARIANS Still, there are Christian churches rejecting the Trinity: God in three persons. To them, the Trinity appears as being inconsistent with the Oneness of God. Non-Trinitarian examples are: The Unitarian Church, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Oneness Pentecostals, Jehovah's Witnesses, La Luz del Mundo, Iglesia ni Cristo, and other groups. Yet, Non-Trinitarianism existed before the doctrine of the Trinity was added to the Creed in the 4th century AD. Christ must have known the meaning of the ancient Trinity and its origin since he requested that baptism would be done “In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.” Did he know?
RE-DISCOVERING THE ORIGIN OF THE TRINITY Is Christ giving us any hint that he knew the origin of the Trinity? Since this origin is obscure to modern understanding, it is necessary for the re-discovery of its origin to know the spiritual meanings of very ancient symbols. The churches are demeaning these symbols, calling them “pagan” (or nowadays “New Age”).
A PUZZLING TRINITY The ancient symbols clearly hint at a truly spiritual, paradisiacal religion, believing in the One God and divine Love, and, for example, believing in the Trinity of Futer, Iana, and Mater.
Stone Age inscription, deciphered by Professor Dr. Herman Wirth Roeper Bosch,
“Seiende, loese die Weidenschlinge, Iana, Mutter, gib Leben.”
“Being, loosen the wicker loop, Iana, Mother, give life.”(The Book of Consciousness.)
What spiritual message could the primordial religion have left us by these symbols? Maybe Christ has the answer? Indeed, the ancient religion was the reason why Christ came: To reestablish the primordial faith as proven by his work, examples, and symbolic actions. Where was this ancient faith celebrated and how was it different from the religions of today?
Pangaea, 280-230 million years ago, later breaking off.
ONENESS WITH GOD AND NATURE There was one single continent (Pangaea; Professor Dr. Alfred Wegener), one language (Dr. Arnold Wadler), and one faith in the One God (Professor Dr. Herman Wirth), a faith creating symbols of spiritual reality (Dr. Bara Loveland). This land could only be found at the North Pole (Professor Dr. Herman Wirth) since the ancient symbols represent its unique situation: Nature was in synchronicity with spiritual energies that the ancients knew and lived (original research). It was Paradise, a life in tune with nature and in accord with God’s will. This Oneness with nature is lost in modern churches and cultures.
Midnight sun, Norway
LONG-LASTING TRADITIONS Like today at the North pole in winter, the sun disappeared yearly below the Southern horizon and month by month rose to splendid glory in mid summer, gyrating in the Northern sky, forming a radiant circle! This yearly movement of the sun constituted the sacred day of the year, we could say, the Day of God. Here we may understand why the Bible lists times as “one day for a year.” It could only be the retained principle of the Day of God from Pangaea preserved by faithful tradition of millions of years!
NATURE AS SPIRITUAL REMINDER The sun’s yearly apparent movement at the North pole also instigated a spiritual symbol and set an initiative for and a reminder of people’s spiritual energy, described in the eBook Heaven and Earth Mother (1985) and The (W)Hole eBook on Mimbres Pots (1985). In Sanskrit, this energy is called Kundalini and is identical with the life-energy of the ancients (original research based on experience and ancient symbols): It is the life-giver or Holy Spirit of the Nicene Creed!
LIFE-ENERGY Our life-energy, Kundalini, rises from the end of the spine and ascends into the head, forming the Trinity of Earth-Mother, Spirit-Energy-Dove, and Heaven-Father-Sky. Mother Earth together with the Dove, the symbol of the rising energy, are both connecting to Heaven like Christ/son and Holy Spirit/Dove! Even when far away from its dovecote, this bird always finds its way back home and so will Kundalini, seen as being gentle like a dove and female! The ancient religion taught and lived spiritual skills through nature-symbolized Kundalini – missed in modern churches, sciences, politics, philosophy, businesses, education, and most homes.
Kundalini circulating in the body
like the sun in the Arctic sky.
Ascension: Pelvis to head.
Sacred polar Stone
Age symbol of
Kundalini (or. res.)
Old light axis at the North pole. Summer/N & winter/S “solstices,” marking the year.
THE KUNDALINI EXPERIENCE Kundalini, reaching her true home at her zenith in the body, grants enlightenment, wisdom, compassion, insights, and glory like the polar sun in the Northern sky. It is an unforgettable experience called Samadhi or Satori! It is the Godhead of the Bible (original research)! It is a feeling of Oneness with all life, with the Universe, with All That Is, and with God: Experiencing true divine Love and divine peace! Did not Christ, the risen son, say, “My peace I give unto you, not as the world giveth?” It is this peace of culminating Kundalini-Trinity that comes from Oneness of the Trinity within!
TRANSFORMATION After such experience of ingraining Oneness, one can but honor Mother Earth and all life forms large or small, and strive to follow God’s will as documented in the 13 Commandments, not taught by churches and temples! (Yes, 13! Exodus 20; original research, You Saw It Here First.)
Trinity Knot
Three Faces
BEGINNING OF THE TRINITY We saw that the mysterious Trinity had its beginning in Paradise, in Pangaea! Let us recapitulate. The sun was a symbol for the rising, warming or heating life-energy. After the long winter darkness, the sun’s entrance in the Southern sky above the waters signified the lower pole of Kundalini in the body. Her victorious ascent toward North and her circling in the North symbolized the upper pole of Kundalini, the head. The pole at the end of the spine (South) releases energy, which leads upward on a winding, 3-channeled path called Sushumna mingling with Ida and Pingala. This 3-step upward way and her spiraling three channeled ascent are symbolized in the Trinity Knot and the three faces as characteristics of Kundalini’s Trinity (original research). Kundalini’s upper pole is illuminating the head (North), and is remembered by the “crown” of the three-faced figure. Kundalini, when reaching her goal, results in Oneness with God and Its Love! (We may recall that the Bible states that God is no man, God is Spirit, God is It!)
THE SPIRITUAL MESSAGE Now we may understand the spiritual content of the Stone Age Formula:
According to the spiritual, primordial religion, we may translate this Stone Age statement the spiritual way,
“Ultimate Being (God), give physical wellness (after Pangaea/Paradise), Wanderer (Kundalini, sun), Life-Giver (God, Kundalini, Holy Spirit), give spiritual life (through Kundalini).” This is what the churches miss!
CHRIST – LIVING LOVE How can we tell that Christ knew the experience of Kundalini and that he lived her as Living Love? Christ exemplified this experience for three of his disciples in the mountains by his transfiguration! Yet, how could he have indicated to all others, not present, or to us today that he knew and lived Kundalini? Did he use the disciples’ sailing ropes to make Trinity knots as teaching tools? Not that we know thereof.
CHRIST’S SACRED TEACHINGS MISSED BY ALL IN ALMOST 2000 YEARS? Here is but one apparent example of how all clergymen, clergywomen, and everyone else missed Christ’s teachings in almost 2000 years of established Christianity, missing Christ’s sacred symbolic messages! How can we find out if Christ demonstrated Kundalini for the people? 1) One must know the array of ancient spiritual (“pagan” Stone Age) symbols. 2) One must have experienced what these symbols stand for: Their ways of interplay to understand Christ’s symbolic words and read his action-language, so fluently lived by him! 3) Is there a clear example of this action-language by Christ? 4) Indeed, it is about a donkey! One must know the spiritual meaning of the donkey and why Christ asked for a female donkey to ride into Jerusalem! Did not Christ asked for a donkey with a foal, for all to see that the donkey was female (Matthew 21:1-11)?
Christ riding into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday
WHY DID CHRIST RIDE ON A DONKEY? The donkey as an ancient symbol has several traditional meanings, such as service, peace, and burden. Kings, prophets, and judges rode on a white donkey. However, the donkey also stands for our life-energy (original research). Why would the female donkey be a spiritual symbol of our life-energy?
Donkey, the perfect symbol
of the rising Kundalini!
Father, Son, Holy Spirit
THE DONKEY AS A SYMBOL FOR KUNDALINI The donkey is strong, intelligent, and sure-footed even on very high paths. Yet the donkey cannot be forced and may stubbornly resist to move a foot or, may even kick back! The donkey acts like Kundalini who (she, Roerich’s defender) is rising high in the body, but cannot be forced without resistance or “kicking back!” Christ, riding the female donkey into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, showed that he was the master of the donkey, the master of the female Kundalini, to be the living and life-long Triquetra!
SYMBOLIZATION Did Christ symbolize his teaching of Kundalini on purpose so that it would not be understood by the spiritually inexperienced Roman church fathers and thus not be eliminated from the reports during the male power centuries of the church? Only to be revealed in our time, when more people understand that there is more to life than what science, schools, and churches teach? How fitting the white donkey was as a symbol for kings, prophets, and judges, a symbol of their spotlessness and their purity of conduct named ethics, (unconsciously) remembered as rising-sun-Kundalini connection of Pangaea!
Fire Wheel
FIRE WHEEL SYMBOLISM How fitting is also the Fire Wheel as a symbol for our heating life-energy. She may burn like fire when abused or be forced in an uncleansed body! The Trinity of the Fire Wheel is a symbol of spiritual education which ancient lore, Christ, and saints came to deliver. Who were the targeted students of their spiritual teachings? Spirituality is energy!
WHO WAS AND IS TO BE SPIRITUALLY EDUCATED? The rising Kundalini is the experienced origin of the Trinity symbol, a symbol given for spiritual education. Yet, it is hiding its origin from unprepared and doubtful humans! It is remarkable that saints and Christ did not come to educate the animals in spirituality, but people! Animals obviously know Kundalini or they would freeze in the returning winter-cold like people would. Animals, consequently, are more spiritual than people are!
TRANSFORMATION Spirituality makes animals more sensitive and suffer more from abuse – like Christ suffered so tremendously for the animals! Thus, be kind to the spiritual, sentient, and feeling animals, consider a vegan lifestyle, and reflect on education in spiritual experiences (University of Sedona)! There are eight main, naturally occurring meditation experiences on the spiritual path, on eight levels like the eightfold path of Buddhism:
Release of the ego and its desires as death of the ego; willingness to serve
Re-experiencing birth
Animal identification
Plant identification
Identification with Saints
Presence of the Light
Cosmic travel
Samadhi, the Oneness with the universe, with All that Is, and with God.
After these spiritual experiences, people will be transformed, they will honor all life and existence, will be unwilling or unable to abuse others, incapable of abusing animals, the Earth, and nature. John Loveland, MMsc, founder of New Earth Foundation had such transforming experience at Harvard and wrote to a friend,
“… my immediate goal in life is to perfect my being, that is, to reach a point where I am unable to perform any action that is opposed to wisdom.” John Bigelow Pell Loveland, MMsc, written at age 19.
(Illustrated in A New Earth Rising,
OVERCOMING MASS CONSCIOUS Spiritual experiences allow to transcend mass conscious and grant by knowing and practice the faith that all is One and that God exists everywhere, in everything, and last but not least, reveals who or what God is (original research; The Book of Consciousness. 2011). Did not Christ come to teach the ancient faith of Pangaea, to halt abuse by Pharisees/authorities, and rescue the abused animals? How can we be sure?
Christ, the Lamb of God, sacrificed for the abused animals.
THE LAMB Christ was called “the Lamb of God” and sacrificed himself for the animals – in place of the animals (not taught by the churches) for the un-bloody forgiveness of human sins after the cross! With his death as the “Lamb of God,” Christ honored God’s fifth Commandment, “Thou shalt not kill” – no buts – and desired to set an end to the cruel slaughter of thousands of baby lambs at God’s House in Jerusalem. Since this brutality did not promptly end, the Romans were sent from “on High” to destroy the Temple in 70 AD, ending the local opportunity for cruelty! Did cruelty to animals cease in the 2000 years after Christ’s sacrifice for the animals? As we know today, extreme brutality to animals is called complete protein (animal body parts as food), factory farming, medical and cosmetic research, business, fashion (fur, leather), and science! Partaking in the products of brutality means partaking in brutality to animals and invalidating Christ’s sacrifice for the animals!
A TEMPLE TO BE DESTROYED May we ask: What is our symbolic “temple” to be destroyed before we realize Christ’s teachings and his sacrifice for the animals, before we live our spiritual heritage, desist all abuse of animals, nature, life, and the Earth, and live in Oneness with nature, the Earth, and All That Is? The Bible says,
“Don’t you know that you yourselves are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in your midst?” 1 Corinthians 16.
Are we heading toward the destruction of our “temple” by our food habits and brutality to animals? How did humanity get onto a self-destructive road after Paradise?
Perceptions of God; Phenomena of Mysticism; The Book of Consciousness. eBooks
DEVIATING FROM ONENESS According to the symbols the ancients left us, we are able to retrace how people of yore perceived God – after Pangaea broke apart – and how their perception of God changed with their increasing deviation from Oneness and the growth of the human cerebrum (called “the mind” or “the brain” by science). The story of our ancestors can be read in Perceptions of God – MindMade (2018, original research), and Phenomena of Mysticism – UnSermoned (2018, original research),explaining why the donkey was sometimes seen as being evil, using his name as an insult: Jackass. The Book of Consciousness illuminates the terms Mind, Mass-Conscious, Consciousness, the Unconscious, and God with new definitions. All three spiritual works are available as eBooks. The essence of these three eBooks can be found as free movies:
Perceptions of God – MindMade
Phenomena of Mysticism – UnSermoned
Consciousness VS. Mind – Big Bang or Creator
A SIRITUAL BAPTISM This knowledge, graciously revealed to a dedicated researcher, is like a baptism in spirituality. There is spiritual hope! Did not Christ say, “Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he doalso; and greater works than these shall hedo;” John 14:12. We still have the needed organs the ancients used to raise their spiritual powers and incite miracles like Christ performed:
We only have to remember!
Unto a world of sacredness, Oneness, and divine Love! Bara
SPIRITUAL EDUCATION Can we learn to enter the Trinity-within through meditation? Spiritual studies are provided online at the University of Sedona, AZ, USA. If available, scholarships are under $2000 for the entire program from Bachelor/Rev., Master, to Ph.D. Installments may be arranged at $25/month! Take all the time you want, get all the friendly help you need, and enjoy your own spiritual experiences for a personal Inauguration of Trinity.
The Easter Story © Copyright by Dr. Bara Loveland, April 4, 2021
EASTER, THE THIRD DAY On Easter, Christ was made whole after being brutally wounded, physically and emotionally, by people who would not understand his nature: Being the Logós that is, one and the same with God and also the Creator of the universe (John 1). Christ rose the third day although some say it was the second day. Yet, the Bible does not lie, it is merely too often misunderstood, misinterpreted, and mistranslated. The Bible counts Friday as the first day, the Sabbath as the second, and Sunday as the third day. Thus Christ rose the third day!
ENERGY BODY After his resurrection, Christ appeared to Mary Magdalene in person, yet, why did he say to his beloved friend, “Touch me not…” (John 20:17)? Christ was recognized but risen with his divine energy qualities; he had not yet re-assembled his physical body. Mary would have held “nothing” if trying to touch him. She could have been scared of a “ghostly imposter,” or even hurt by Christ’s high energy. (Deducted from original life-energy research.)
COMPLETING THE EASTER STORY Only 50 days after Easter, on Pentecost, the Easter story was complete: On this day, Christ was with his disciples and “When he had led them out to the vicinity of Bethany, he lifted up his hands and blessed them. While he was blessing them, he left them and was taken up into heaven.” (Luke 24:50-51) Christ rose as energy body into the clouds, seen by all standing around and as the Bible further reports on the ascension of Christ, he “was taken up; and a cloud received him out of their sight. And while they looked steadfastly toward heaven as he went up, behold, two men stood by them in white apparel; Which also said, Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into heaven? This same [Christ] …, which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven.” (Acts 1:9-11)
SECOND COMING Christ promised, “I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am [his energy status?], there ye may be also.” (John 14:3). Mark 13:26 confirms this, “And then shall they see the Son of man coming in the clouds with great power and glory.” Rev. 1:7 states, “Behold, he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him …” Christ will come in the clouds (or as a “cloud”?) as he went, in his energy body, to be seen by all around the world. How could this be possible that all may see him together?
ESOTERIC LIGHT FORMATION Was the mysterious appearance of a white energy formation in Argentina the second coming of Christ that could be seen by all around the world via media and Internet? Yet, it is one’s own choice to believe that this was a re appearance – or the re-appearance – of Christ, or a technical or incidental operation of energies in the sky. (Sighting: Argentina, in May of 2019. By Scott C. Waring,; accessed 4-26 2021).
The Easter message is the message of resurrection and ascension, the message of Christ, “These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. … be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33)
Symbol of the Peace of God-Christ. The dove, from anywhere finding the true home.
“And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ.”
St. Paul, Philippians 4:7.
Happy Easter to all! Bara
© Copyright by Dr. Bara H. Loveland, 2020.
Based on original research, rediscovery, observation, and/or new-ancient facts.
Images by © or fair use.
Paraphrasing or copying is permitted if nothing is added or omitted from the used part, and the source is given as:
“ original and sacred research.”
See it here first! More to come for a better understanding of each other and creation.
BORN FROM THE LOTUS. The “lotus is used as primal and ultimate container and receptacle of life and whatever there is of the divine in human life” (Cooper. An Illustrated Encyclopaedia [sic] 101; in B. Loveland, Phenomena of Mysticism – UnSermoned).
WHAT IS SIN? Nobody wants to be called a sinner, yet, maybe we all are sinners and need to repent? Repent of what? What is sin? Doing wrong is one definition of sin. Yet could this be all the word sin means? Doing wrong in whose view?
Awareness of sin.
CHURCHES AND SIN Sin, in German is Sünde and in old high German sunt[e]a, according to Der Grosse Duden Etymologie, which says that the origin of this word is unclear. However this word gets much attention especially in Christian churches. The churches emphasize that we all are sinners and that we need the forgiveness of God – which the churches want to help attain. We may repent individually to a priest, or repent as a group during the service and gain forgiveness through the bread and the wine. Yet are the churches really helping erase sin or is it just a moment of relief received? The answer depends on how we perceive sin.
Group repentance.
SüNDE There is a German word Sund, almost spelled like German Sünde (English sin). A Sund is a small passage of water between the Danish mainland and Sweden. Could Sund and Sünde (sin) have something in common?
Left: Denmark , North of Germany. Right: őresund between the Danish island Seeland and Sweden.
SEPARATION Indeed, Sund and Sünde/sin appear to have a common ancestor: Sund. The word Sund indicates the separation of two land masses whereas Sünde/sin separates us from God. Yet, how can we be separated from God when God is in everything of Creation as shown in the YouTube movie Consciousness vs. Mind? Very easily – although not totally so – by denying or not being taught that we have thirteen sacred energy fields that form our connection to God. These energy fields are the main topic of the Bible as they are for all ancient healing religions, even hidden away in the runes.
Sacred Runic Alphabet.
GESUND The significance of sin as separation may be supported by another German word, gesund, meaning healthy. Yet as the Sund separates, it equally connects two lands. Thus, the word gesund contains Sund as connection and also the syllable ge which we know from German Gebirge (mountains) and Gemeinde (community) as being the gathering or sum of mountains and people. Ge in gesund and sund then stand for gathering or the sum of connections with God. This means, we have to re-activate our 13 energy fields to strengthen our relationship with God and be ge-sund/ healthy. We then overcoming “the gap” between the Creator and ourselves, sin, by gathering the two separated ends (man and God) via our 13 activated energy fields. How could we ever become separated from God? This is described in John Loveland’s Galactic Origin of Human Genesis: The history of the Fall from Paradise was of long duration, man falling deeper and deeper into separation from God and from nature and each other. Nevertheless, we can repair this Fall: The Bible tells us how!
THE BIBLE AND OUR ENERGY FIELDS The conventional churches have not yet taught the 13 sacred energy fields, even sometimes vehemently denying them as “New Age” features. This may mean that the religious authorities are not aware that their own energy fields can open, and/or have not experienced such opening. Of course, the Bible does not use New Age terminology but has its own expressions of yore. One widely known example for one of our energy fields is mentioned in the Bible, It is the single eye, known to world-famous King Tut, even when the indication of place may vary for the protection of knowledge!
King Tut with marked Single Eye.
In India, the single eye is called the Third Eye or Ajna Chakra. The Bible describes its miraculous effects, “when thine eye is single, your whole body will be full of light” (Bible xxx). In spiritually evolved beings, this energy field is radiating normally unseen light from the forehead above the eyebrows – making humans a living lighthouse (John Loveland, Wheels of Wonders).
Humans can be a lighthouse.
The Third Eye is powerful and can cleanse other energy fields of the body. Since it is mentioned in the Bible why are the formal churches not teaching it? Have other religions and cultures noticed this energy field?
JAPANESE BIBLE GREETING For a greeting and even as a part of the Japanese business etiquette, the Japanese bow, called Ojigi that is, they scan/bless their partner with their Third Eyes, even when the reason for bowing is long forgotten! We may remember that the Third Eye can cleanse other energy fields!
The Bible describes such greeting as misread “eye for an eye and tooth for a tooth.” Eye for an eye is the ancient blessing with one’s Third Eye, whereas tooth for a tooth indicates symbolically the energy field on top of the head. When bowing to others, we are sending spiritual energy that enlightens (original research). How radiant we will be when our Third Eye has opened: We will be walking lighthouses as Jesus demonstrated it in the mountains by his transfiguration.
Left: Jesus’ Transfiguration. Center: Our 7 Centers. Right: Our Life-energy.
MEDITATION How can we open the Third Eye and the other energy fields such as the centers and our life-energy – filling up the Sund of sin/separation and move closer to God? The answer is written in the eCourses of the University of Sedona: Meditation! Life-energy, the 7 centers including the Third Eye may open through meditation, calming the mind which has its seat in the cerebrum. (You find the definition of mind, consciousness, the unconscious, and the description of all thirteen energy fields, in: The eBook of Consciousness. Also see Consciousness vs. Mind, YouTube). Once we know how to meditate, we can meditate everywhere when cerebral analytic attention is not needed.
Meditation everywhere.
THE BIBLE AND MEDITATION Does the Bible recommend meditation since it is not taught in formal churches? Indeed, the Bible frequently mentions meditation. It is a term that contains “med,” meaning the middle, the bridge between two entities or being in-between, as many words confirm: median, medium, mediate, even meddling. Biblically, meditation is the Sund in its connecting ability trough water, a symbol of spiritual energy. a bridge between man and God. The Bible also calls it “waiting for God” (original research; Bible, Isaiah 30:18). Waiting for God, beginning with the Centers, also called Chakras (meaning wheels), is the pathway between humans and God, reaching out to cross the Sund for God to fully come into our inner awareness and feeling!
MEDITATION IN CHURCH What could the churches do to bring us closer to God and into the state of grace where the mind is put to rest and peace is found? The churches could teach meditation in every service and hear what people have experienced during a time when the analytical-critical mind was “going to its room!”
Meditative Radiance.
Scientifically, the mind has to be put to rest from its 30-70+ Hz of daily life worries into the Alpha State of 8 Hz and peace. We glide through this state of peace when we fall asleep or when we wake up. Above 8 Hz, the mind begins racing, worrying, and “war-ying.” In Alpha and beyond, there is peace and fulfillment for God knows our needs (Bible, Matthew 6:8). Are the churches keeping us in sin, in the state of separation from God, by not teaching meditation?
WHAT IS RELIGION ALL ABOUT With mediation in church and at home, our sin, our separation from God, may end and the churches teach what religion is all about. The word religion, from Latin religare, means to bind, to tie, or, to reconnect. When the churches help to tie us back to God, then Paradise will return to earth, “and their will be no more death” (Revelation 21:4). Is it by incident that there are 13 Commandments in the Bible? (Yes, 13! Exodus 20. What happened to the missing 3?) Was it divine plan that the 13 Commmandments refer to our 13 energy fields? (See The 13 Commandments at You Saw It Here First.) Is it by incident that the 13 Commandments describe our sins, our separation from God?
The Jewish 10 Commandments – Nobody Noticed that Three Are Missing?
THE SOLUTION Setting aside a few minutes each day for meditation may help to activate our 13 energy fields. One may also want to creatively work in a meditative state (not recommended for operating vehicles, machinery, or similar). Guided meditation in groups is most powerful when guidance is exclusively positive and beautiful, when nothing is forced through urging or “encouragements,” when the experiences are shared! Churches can easily add 10 minutes of guided group meditation to their services and help people overcome the root of sin, the separation from God, and reconnect us with God. Reconnecting people with God resulted in the healing effect of Yeshua-Jesus through his divine presence!
Unto a world of walking lighthouses! Bara.
© Copyright by Dr. Bara H. Loveland, 2018, 2020
Based on original research, rediscovery, observation, and/or new-ancient facts.
Images by © or fair use.
Paraphrasing or copying is permitted if nothing is added or omitted from the used part,
and the source is given as: original and sacred research.
See it here first! More to come for a better understanding of each other and creation.
BORN FROM THE LOTUS. The “lotus is used as primal and ultimate container and receptacle of life and whatever there is of the divine in human life” (J.C. Cooper. An Illustrated Encyclopaedia [sic] 101; in B. Loveland, Phenomena of Mysticism – UnSermoned).
THE TEN COMMANDMENTS Traditional Hebrew-Jewish and Christian religions are using the Old Testament as a source of guidance and messages from God. The Ten Commandments became the very basis of Jewish and Christian life, yet they are by far not followed, especially not in Christian or Jewish politics. In the West, “scientific” atheism limits itself to measurement and took a hold of politics (Max Planck, Scientific Autobiography). Israel pursues a religious exclusiveness and extremism – instead of following the Palestinian tradition of sharing, peace, and neighborliness (J. Loveland, The Holy Land – War and Peace).
The Holy Land – War and Peace
Atheistic “science” in the West and religious Jewish totalitarianism took predominance over the Mosaic commandments in the new law of Israel as exclusively Jewish state (The Week, August 3, 2018). With Palestine “hostaged” (against the presently 9th and 10th Commandments)and starved (John B. Loveland, The Holy Land – War and Peace), the kidnapped country of Palestine is suffocated by not honoring The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR). Such politics was called “Apartheid” by the U.S. Ex-President Jimmy Carter. Nevertheless, no significant authority seems to hear the people’s cries, although Jewish foundations of now Israel are forming centers for bringing together Arabs and Jews. Hebrew and Arab language classes are in increasing demand so that people can talk directly to each other! Despite being ignored in politics, the 10 Commandments are still taught in Jewish and Christian education; articles are written about them with specific commentaries, and movies are made – none mentioning what I discovered!
The “Ten” Commandments, Christian and Jewish.
THE TEN COMMANDMENTS – NOT IN THE BIBLE Seeking the exact words of the Ten Commandments, a strange phenomenon caught my attention: The Ten Commandments are found nowhere in the Bible! Yet do not we remember the dramatic story of Moses? He had received the tablets with the Commandments but smashing them in anger over the golden calf, which his people had made and adored while he was convening with God in the mountains. However, since the Commandments are of great important for humanity, God graciously replaced them!
THE DISCOVERY – THREE MISSING COMMANDMENTS Bible and the Internet were listing the “Ten Commandments,” yet comparing them with the original version, given to Moses and listed in Exodus 20 – I discovered that there are Thirteen Commandments! I wondered why in maybe 2000 years after Christ nobody discovered that there are thirteen commandments! Is anyone reading the Bible? What happened to the three commandments now missing in Jewish and Christian teachings and why were they eliminated?
But where are the missing three “Condimandments”?
THE MYSTERIOUS NUMBER THIRTEEN Ancient history tells that Yeshua (called Jesus by his opponents, the Romans; B. Loveland, Perceptions of God – MindMade) came to revive the ancient Hebrew faith in the One God of peace and Love for all life. He acknowledged number thirteen by nominating twelve apostles making a group of thirteen! Is there any significance to the number thirteen?
THE SACRED NUMBER THIRTEEN Original research of decades showed me that all old healing religions (except for their misunderstanding followers) honored number thirteen and presented it in abbreviated or hidden ways. This number was too holy and too powerful in order to reveal it to those outside a certain “chosen” group. All different numbers, for example 1 through 12, are each merely a part of the completion of number thirteen. I have never found a significant and holy number in the ancient systems surpassing thirteen without involving repetitions of partial numbers, e.g. 14 = 7 + 7. Indeed, I found number thirteen overt or covert in the religious system of ancient Egypt, in the Mayan and Germanic cultures, in the Chinese, East Indian, and Jewish religions, as well as hidden within alphabets. Number thirteen pervades creation, like 13 keys compose an octave on the piano. There are thirteen Mayan heavens, thirteen Jewish principles, and “a baker’s dozen” counting thirteen; and also the United States was founded with thirteen former British colonies. What could be the significance of the number thirteen and why was it considered holy?
Seven sacred energy fields.
THIRTEEN HOLY ENERGIES In church, it was not taught in two years of Bible studies prior to confirmation that there are thirteen Moses-given commandments in the Bible, not ten! Yet, my research found that the number thirteen indicates religious, holy principals, traditionally numbered from one to thirteen! Additionally, my research revealed that the Thirteen Commandments, given as thirteen to Moses, address our thirteen sacred energy fields! The thirteen Commandments were mainly given in their negative expression (“thou shalt not”), obviously still under Egyptian influence. The Egyptian Book of the Dead describes the negative confession of the dead (E. A. Wallis Budge, The Papyrus of Ani).
The Commandments were recorded just after the Hebrews had concluded living in Egypt for about 400 years with the negative form then being a Hebrew tradition! Yet why did Jesus say, “Do not tell anyone,” after he healed the sick, when he wanted people to let others know? According to Dr. George Lamsa, it is a custom of the Palestinian-Aramaic area that when one is asked “not to tell,” the advice becomes “hot news” – a secret nobody my have heard of yet – and quickly spreads from rooftop to rooftop among once neighborly Arab-Jewish-Christian communities. Before newspapers, TV, and texting, people literally jumped from roof to roof in tightly built and netted interfaith communities to bring news to each other. Yet, it is notable that Jewish as well as Christian news of the Thirteen Mosaic Commandments did not make it across the roof tops! How could the Thirteen be forgotten?
Rooftops in Palestine.
PAGAN WISDOM OF CHRISTIANITY The answer may be that the new Roman Christian church realized that the pagan religions also honored the ancient wisdom in the number thirteen. Since the Roman church wanted to distance itself from paganism, it made number thirteen an unlucky number and possibly for this reason shortened the Thirteen Commandments to ten! However, in Catholic Italy thirteen is still the lucky number, and the principle of thirteen is hidden within the ten Sefiroth (circles) of the kabalistic Hebrew Tree of Life (B. Loveland, The Origin of the Hebrew Tree of Life. Manuscript 1982).
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) practically contains the Thirteen Commandments, as well as much of the originally followed, and world-wide admired Constitution of the United States, honored by the French gift of the Statue of Liberty! An exclusively Jewish state offends the UDHR and may create a new Jewish Ghetto for itself, for the prison guard is also the prisoner (Antoine de Saint-Excupéry).
Money became the new “God.”
CHANGING THE COMMANDMENTS Not only are the Commandments widely disregarded in the world today, already in early times the church changed God’s eleventh Commandment of the thirteen, “Remember the Sabbath Day,” requiring to hallow the seventh day, the Sabbath. The number seven emphasizes seven of our holy energy fields which grant us to perform miracles as Yeshua did (John B. Loveland. Wheels of Wonders). Yet, the Roman church changed the holy “Sabbath Day to be remembered” to Sunday, obviously to distance itself from Jewish communities. Groups like the Seventh Day Adventists rightfully state that the Bible does not say anywhere that Sunday should be holy, however, the Sabbath Day is mentioned many times.
Even Yeshua stayed at rest in the cave on holy Sabbath and rose on Sunday. On Sabbath, people are to “wait for God” (Bible. E.g. Isaiah 25:9) that is, meditate to receive divine guidance (original research)! Such would be especially important for young people in our time: Too many of them have been misguided into violence by celebrating violent “heroes” in movies, on TV, and by violence-demanding training to win at computer games. Some try this “win” in real life to be the celebrated hero – and they are. Their name is in the news; their wish is fulfilled, being “the violent hero,” even competing with the last “hero,” surpassing him in cruelty! Meditation for divine guidance would also be crucial for politicians to create peace within themselves, in their countries, and in the world – each Sabbath. If everyone would meditate on the Sabbath Day, a wave of peace and divine guidance would soar around the world in 24 hours, creating peace. Yet, is our Saturday still the ancient Sabbath?
WHICH IS THE SABBATH? With calendar changes and leap years throughout the ages, how do we know that our Saturday is the ancient seventh day, counted since creation: God’s Sabbath Day? The Jewish people have faithfully kept count of the Sabbath Day, at least since Moses’ time (ca. 1300 B.C.) and have celebrated and honored the seventh day, Saturday, as the Sabbath! With the dominant Western calendar, it seems to be difficult to change Sunday as a holy-day/holiday back to Sabbath, as the Seventh Day Adventists and others do. However, a general switch back from Sunday to the Sabbath would not be impossible by shifting all specific Saturday activities to Sunday and keep Saturday/Sunday as weekend.
DISOBEDIANT CHURCH Why is the church neglecting the Sabbath and instead celebrates Sunday, disobeying God’s sixth Commandment of (Exodus 20)? The Roman change must have eased the conversions of the Northern pagans in France, Ireland, and England who celebrated the Sun-Day. It was even more necessary to honor the pagan Sunday in the “Christian” Middle Ages, lasting from ca. 500 A.D. to ca. 1500 A.D. At that time, the Christian Roman Church wanted to convert the Germanic tribes, resisting the Roman Church until around 1,000 A.D., since the Germanic tribes celebrated the ancient sun cult on Sundays, mistaking the ancient sun symbol for God (B. Loveland, Perceptions of God – MindMade).
Walk of the Divine Sun Power.
THE ANCIENT MOSAIC MISSION In order to reestablish peace on earth, it seems mandatory that God’s Thirteen Commandments return to temples, churches, schools, and authorities beyond and above the atheistic tendency in modern science and politics. After all, in Scientific Autobiography Max Planck states that science and religion pursue the same center idea: religion sees God as the Source of All, and science has the goal to discover the Source of All – which can only be named “The Creator of All.” Then, is religion ahead of science, having found the Source? Did not John B. Loveland say in A Chance for Peace, “A major need is to reconcile the religious and scientific viewpoints” in order to give peace a chance? Original research of decades showed that the Thirteen Commandments address our 13 holy energy fields!
CORRELATING THE TEN AND THE THIRTEEN COMMANDMENTS WITH THIRTEEN HOLY ENERGY FIELDS (Original research) In order to compare the church-version of the Ten Commandments and their originals in the Thirteen Commandments of the Old Testament, Exodus 20, I created the following table correlating the 10 with the 13 and with our 13 energy fields. May this table lead to the honoring of all Thirteen Commandments and to the strengthening and activation of our own, divine energy fields. Only then will we become Adam Kadmon, the perfect human being by divine design!
Human Energy Surrounding the Body.
Left: Aura of “selfishness” (Leadbeater. Man Visible and Invisible. 56. Plate VII). Center: Aura “of the ordinary man” (83. Plate X). Right: “Adom Kadmon.” (107. Plate XII). In B. Loveland. Phenomena of Mysticism – UnSermoned.
Table Correlating Ten and Thirteen Commandments with Thirteen Holy Energy Fields
(green modern Catholic version; blue Bible version, KJV); © Copyright by Dr. Bara H. Loveland, 2018, original research.
Comm. |
Catholic Church, text; |
Energy |
Energy |
Bible Exodus 20 |
Comm. |
1 |
I am the LORD your God:… |
13 |
13 |
I am the Lord thy God. |
1 |
1 |
…you shall not have strange Gods before me. |
1 |
1 |
Thou shalt have no other gods before me. [Money became the new “God.”] |
2 |
Left out |
12 |
Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image. [Pessimism, negative intend, idols.] |
3 |
Left out |
2 |
Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them nor serve them.[Iniquity/vice/ evil of the fathers will be upon the children.] |
4 |
2 |
You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain. |
3 |
3 |
Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain. [Cursing.] |
5 |
3 |
Remember to keep holy the LORD’s Day. |
11 |
11 |
Remember the Sabbath Day. [Not Sunday] |
6 |
4 |
Honor your father and mother. |
4 |
4 |
Honour thy father and thy mother. [Spirit and body.] |
7 |
5 |
You shall not kill. |
5 |
5 |
Thou shalt not kill. [No slaughter; no buts]. |
8 |
6 |
You shall not commit adultery. |
6 |
6 |
Thou shalt not commit adultery. [Infidelity in thought or deed; betrayal.] |
9 |
7 |
You shall not steal. |
7 |
7 |
Thou shalt not steal. [Items, land, ideas, people.] |
10 |
8 |
You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor. |
8 |
8 |
Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour. [Lying, slander.] |
11 |
Left out |
10 |
You shalt not covet [desire, crave] thy neighbour’s house. |
12 |
9 |
You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife. |
9 |
9 |
Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour’s wife… |
13 |
10 |
You shall not covet your neighbor’s goods. |
10 |
10 |
…nor anything that is thy neighbour’s. [Domineering him, taking his possession and freedom.] |
13 |
It is revealing to see what happened, “Romanly” condensing the 13 biblical Commandments to 10!
The biblical 1st and 2nd Commandments are joint in one by the church;
The 3rd and 4th Commandment of the Bible about the graven image and bowing down before such, are left out.
The biblical Commandments 5-11 are listed as 2 to 8 by the Catholic Church.
Commandment 12 of the Bible is left out by the Catholic Church about coveting “thy neighbour’s house.”
The biblical 13th Commandment is split to make Commandment 9 and 10 for the Roman Church.
Combining the God-given Commandments 1 and 2 into one, may indicate that the number 13, as “pagan friendly” number, was to be avoided, leaving 12 commandments.
Judaism and Christianity in early Christian times.
Yellow areas: Germanic tribes.
No GRAVEN Image and “NOT BOWING BEFORE IT” IS eliminated The church eliminated the Commandments of the graven image and not bowing down before such. This may also indicate not to put up crosses and bow before them. Yeshua never requested crosses or bowing before them and nothing about this is mentioned in the Bible. Yet this is what the Catholic Church asked parishioners to do, against the biblical third and forth Commandments: Bowing before a graven image. Why not show the risen Christ? For 2000 years, Christ is not on the cross any more! Are not the bread and the wine complete for remembrance and forgiveness?
NUMBER MANIPULATION OF THE COMMANDMENTS Combining the first two Commandments and leaving out the 3rd and 4th, then left 10 Commandments for the church.
PARALLELS The catholic commandments 2-8 parallel the biblical ones numbered 5-11.
SPLIT COMMANDMENT Yet then, the church eliminated the biblical Commandment #12 (not covet they neighbour’s house). This is explicable since the Catholic Church was happy to get property from its parishioners and thus became rich. In order to make up for the elimination of biblical #12, the church had to split Commandment #13 of the Bible to make again Ten Commandments for the church. Likewise, the modern Hebrew commandments do not follow what was given to Moses by God, they use also 10 Commandments instead of the Mosaic 13!
WHAT THE 13 COMMANDMENTS MEAN The Seventh Day Adventists and other groups take the Ten Commandments and the Sabbath seriously and strive to keep God’s word. Nevertheless, they have not yet discovered (2018/2020) the Thirteen Commandments and our holy energy fields, which relate to the Hebrew Tree of life.
The Hebrew Tree of Life, related to the Thirteen Commandments (original research).
Table of the Thirteen Commandments with Commentaries for Discussion
© by Dr. Bara H. Loveland, 2018/2020
Bible Exodus 20 |
Energy |
Commentaries for |
1 I am the Lord thy God. |
13 |
God is One, the ruler/Lord, not any human being! Should Yeshua-Jesus be called God, although God is in everything? (B. Loveland, The eBook of Consciousness. Movie: Consciousness VS Mind) |
2 Thou shalt have no other gods before me. |
1 |
Money became the new “God” of the Western economy, creating the economic “Pyramid Game,” making the few 3% super rich and generating profuse poverty in those who work at the base or cannot find work. Excessive sex became another “God” of addiction in the Western world. Should our money system (interest rate), our system of economy/business, and sex education change? |
3 Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image. |
12 |
A graven image (idol) may be made for doubting the One God; for pessimism, or negative intend. The question is, is the Christian cross a “graven image,” clinging to the negative instead of celebrating the risen Christ? Christ never said, “Hang the cross in all your holy places.” The original Christians had the fish to signify the reunion of heaven and earth (original research). Was this a “graven image,” too? Can a flag, especially one that stands for cruelty, be such “graven image”? |
4 Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them nor serve them. |
2 |
God said, I will “visit the iniquities of the fathers upon the children unto the third and forth generation of them that hate me” (Exodus 20:5). Is there a God? A new understanding of God may be acceptable to Christians, Jews, and other religions, as well as to agnostics, and atheists (B. Loveland, The eBook of Consciousness. Movie: Consciousness VS Mind). A clerk, just doing his job, collecting items from Jewish people in concentration camps, did not think that he was bowing down to the Nazi regime, not being directly involved in the killing of innocent people. Yet a new generation thought otherwise: After decades he was held responsible for supporting evil. How will future generations deal with the crimes against humanity, animals, nature, and the earth of those nowadays “just doing their job, making a buck” with what they know is wrong and harmful to many, or even to all life, and to the earth? Yeshua did not bow down to the unjust system of his time and demonstrated civil disobedience by sitting with tax collectors and women, the “Arabs” and “colorful one’s” of his time and place. |
5 Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain. |
The “Lord will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain.” Accordingly, we may say OMG, “Oh My Gosh,” yet not “Oh my God;” we may not use the name of God for cursing or blaming. Is praying to God and then doing wrong using God’s name in vain by a wrong intent? Are such prayers hypocritical by individuals and societies? |
6 Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days shalt thou labor, and to do all thy work; But the seventh day is the sabbath of the Lord thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work… nor thy cattle nor thy stranger that is within thy gates. |
11 |
Here the entire Christian Church failed, except for groups like the Seventh Day Adventists, who strive to follow this Commandment. Relaxing and meditating on the Sabbath allows more clearly hearing the voice of God and getting directions for proper thoughts, behavior, and actions. How would the world change, if the Sabbath would be used for communing with God within for divine guidance? However, Yeshua helped those on a Sabbath who urgently needed help, which was held against him. The question today is, who determines what is urgent to be taken care of on a Sabbath? |
7 Honour thy father and thy mother that thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee. |
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To honor father and mother – the elders – is an ancient tradition of many cultures, cast out by modern “quick buck” practices, by which the wisdom of the elders is lost and destruction of ethics, culture, and the earth began. Furthermore, father as a symbol stands for Spirit (based on a spiritual error; see the movie Perceptions of God – MindMade), mother signifies the body (giving birth, a new body). Thus honoring mother and father makes necessary the care for the body (mother), yet also reaches beyond parents and elders (father and mother) to honoring our spirituality (symbolized as father and anchored in our 13 energy fields; original research). |
8 Thou shalt not kill. |
The Bible simply says, “Thou shalt not kill,” It does not say, “But you can kill such and such.” No buts. No killing of animals, suffocating fish, killing bugs and bees, or cutting and uprooting trees or forests (Amazon, Northern forests). Buildings can be made of adobes (baked or fired clay; Dr. Nader Khalili, Racing Alone. Ceramic Houses. Storm and earthquake resistant!) In Genesis 1: 29, God says for food “I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of the earth, and every tree in which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat.” This may be understood as food, given to the high energy beings, preceding humans on earth, according to Galactic Origin of Human Genesis,by John B. Loveland. This may also address the Hebrew Tree of Life as principle of Creation. Adam and Eve of Eden were only created in Genesis 2, still as highly spiritual beings. Yet they failed and their struggle with eating animals may be reflected in the ever changing food rules given by the priests of the Old Testament. This “compromise-food” may have been suggested to limit acidic overdose from meat. Modern research shows that the protein in meat cannot be absorbed but must be broken down by the body into amino acids. Only about 15% of the protein from meat becomes amino acids. These then can be used to form all kinds of protein needed for muscles, ligaments, joints, brain, enzymes, hormones, and for literally every protein organ part. Taking amino acids may be a better solution for the body: Less work and 99% absorption with a good product! Yeshua, a vegetarian, followed the tradition of his time and place: His Love allowed for self-teaching, multiplying and sharing fish. Yet for the forgiveness of sin, he gave bread and wine, not fish, not meat. A question is, if the modern, seedless fruits are still food? Don’t they have lost their infinite life-power geminating for millions of years, past and into the future? Are they not deprived of energy like the only once-germinating GMOs, patented as nonfood, sold as “food” without letting people know! Non-food GMO seeds, sold as “food” seeds, leave farmers without seeds for the next season! They have to buy more GMO nonfood seeds by contract! In India, thousands of farmers committed suicide after a bad GMO harvest. They had no seeds from their GMO farming and could not afford to buy new, expensive GMO “food” seeds, requiring, within 3 years, more pesticides and herbicides than natural seeds (J. Loveland, GMO or OMG.) God said, “Thou shalt not kill.” Who killed the farmers? |
9 Thou shalt not commit adultery. |
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Adultery or infidelity in word, thought, or deed is offending this commandment, doing harm to self and others. Thoughts are deeds. Then, is thinking of or fantasizing about adultery committing adultery? |
10 Thou shalt not steal. |
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People’s health, honor, ideas, and physical items (money, land, homes, clothing, devices, etc.) may be subject to stealing. Modern times allow fair use of the ideas of others, especially for educational purposes and comparative materials. Could the taking of the New World by Roman Catholic countries, the confiscation of indigenous land for industrial purposes, and the taking of Palestine, done by “Christians” and “Jews,” fall under this Commandment? |
11 Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour. |
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Here slandering others and lying are addressed, which may lead to harassment with all its consequences. Should Christians and Jews read the Rainbow Press of made-up stories? People tend to remember the “sensational” lies – and a doubt may remain even when truth came to the light. Thus slander and lies create division, doubt, and even fear for no factual reason. Yet the true victim is the slanderer. With time, a jealous, slandering, and lying woman with an angelic face (wax face, showing no emotions), finally had a face looking like vertically divided in two conflicting halves – for all to see: Double-faced! |
12 You shalt not covet thy neighbour’s house. |
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The symbolic house is the livelihood, the physical means of existence of anyone. Not even the thought of taking “what is thy neighbour’s” is permitted by God. How can Israel stand with this, its Mosaic Commandment about “thy neighbour’s house”? Is Israel a truly Jewish state abiding by the One God and His Commandments? Or is Israel creating a new ghetto for itself, cut off from human rights – and Apartheid for the Palestinians (Ex U.S. President Jimmy Carter), starving them in Gaza, taking their homes and even destroying these in the West Bank (John B. Loveland. The Holy Land – War and Peace.)? |
13 Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour’s wife, not his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, … |
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“Thy neighbour’s wife” is the symbolic energy support by Eve as a partner in the ancient original, not indicating Eve as a servant. This Commandment addresses our main life energy, from ancient times on symbolized as being female with the ass being another symbol of her (B. Loveland, Phenomena of Mysticism – UnSermoned). A desire in thought or deed taking one’s “neighbour’s wife”/support, taking the livelihood or energy support of another, is not permitted by God. How about the U.S. Native Reservations, or the Palestinian Gaza Strip? Are these truly Christian/Jewish deeds, honoring the biblical/Mosaic Commandments? |
… nor anything that is thy neighbour’s. |
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“Anything that is thy neighbour’s,” means anything. Yet wars of millennia around the world took land, goods, people, animals, and lives, with soldiers fighting for “God and Motherland.” Germany had a history of thousand years of war for its “Fatherland,” finally learning the lesson and refusing to fight. However, the Germans ended each war, not robbing their victim afterwards like the Allies had done twice to them! This helped the infamous Adolf to power, promising new greatness for the beaten people. How bad will it have to get before world politics and “religions” will honor the One God and the 13 Commandments? |
BIBLICAL REMINDER Deuteronomy 7:11 states, “Thou shalt keep … the Commandments … [and] do them.” Yet, in 5:29 it follows up with, “O that there were such an heart in them, that they … would keep all my commandments always, that it might be well with them, and with their children for ever!” With no pandemics!
Heart Chakra Symbol
A “GOD” IDEA The Thirteen Commandments, addressing our divine energy fields, stimulate these energy fields when we recite them and keep them. Could it be a good idea – a God-idea – to return to the original, God-given Thirteen Commandments – and honor/keep them as an individual, leader, priest, politician, scientist, movie maker, artist, worker, or teacher?
If everybody would strive to do this, we would not need so many laws. – Beyond the Thirteen Commandments, there is but One Law in the Universe, formulated as “CC” in The eBook of Consciousness ( Miracles are based on this One Law! Science is working with this One Law – without knowing it yet!
It would be a blessing to remember the Thirteen Commandments and the One Law – in thought, feeling, and deed: God is One and in All.
All is One, Bara
© Copright by Dr. Bara H. Loveland, July 27, 2010,
based on original research, rediscovery, observation, and/or new-ancient facts.
Paraphrasing/copying permitted if nothing is added/omitted from the used part in context, and the source is given as: original and sacred research.
Frequently, original research results/ideas have been used/published in different places – too often misunderstood
for the lack of original research of decades and the conception of Consciousness.
See it here first!
More to come for a better understanding of each other, of Consciousness, of the Creator, and creation.
Born from the Lotus. The “lotus is used as primal and ultimate container and receptacle of life and whatever there is of the divine in human life” (Cooper. AnIllustrated Encyclopaedia(sic) 101. B. Loveland, Phenomena of Mysticism – UnSermoned and The eBook of Consciousness).
THE OMEN Nomen est omen, says a Latin adage – a name is an omen. An omen can be described as a hunch of what to expect. Ancient people gave their children names with spiritual connotations. These names were meant as spiritual omens of what the elders intuitively would expect of the child or, could guide the child to a goal.
Blanche, French, means fair, white;
Gertrud, Teutonic, is the one who is accomplished/trusted (trud) with the spear (ger);
Anselm, Teutonic, means divine helmet of God;
April, Latin, is the opener and means to open, as new life in spring comes up through the soil;
Belinda, Italian, indicates wisdom and immortality as does John, Hebrew: God’s gracious gift.
CHURCHES STILL WITHHOLDING CHRIST’S SPIRITUAL MESSAGE Many ancient names endured together with the spiritual quality they carry. Native Americans recognized the importance of names and gave their children changing names according to the child’s development to resonate with the child. Yet the truly spiritual quality of names has been lost so that mainly or only worldly meanings for names are found in name books. Nevertheless, by knowing the spiritual secrets and by meditation, our spiritual abilities (which we still have) may be activated: evoking miraculous abilities which Christ taught and exemplified (J. Loveland, Wheels of Wonders). However, the Roman Church, taking possession of early Christianity, determined to withhold such knowledge from people. When the Roman Church took over the political vacuum after the collapse of the Roman Empire around 400 AD, churches and other religious groups followed the agenda of the Roman Church to this day: an agenda formerly induced knowingly, now unknowingly. Spiritual knowledge was banned and it was forbidden to read the Bible outside of church control!
REGAINING THE ANCIENT KNOWLEDGE Looking at the above listed names, we may rediscover their spiritual implications – easy to see if we have already spiritual knowledge: the names come in word symbols, yet these symbols may have many connotations. What could these above listed names spiritually specify?
1. Blanche, meaning fair, white, indicates the white energy fields of saints that surround their body like an egg. Jesus went to the mountains to show the few understanding disciples his white energy field, called raiment (Bible, Mark 9:2, 3). And Jesus “was transfigured before them. And his raiment became shining, exceeding white as snow; so as no fuller on earth can white them.” It is interesting that the word candidate comes from Latin candidatus, white-robed (the white raiment of the Bible), suggesting that the saintliest “candidate” should run and be elected for office. Would it not be a good idea to learn to see “the raiment” of candidates? The part of the biblical raiment that surrounds the head can be easily seen by any one with a simple, proper technique (B. Loveland, The eBook of Consciousnesses; New Earth Rising, newsletter by New Earth Foundation).
2. Gertrud, the spear-(ger ) accomplished/trusted (trud) is the one with awakened and active life-energy that ascends from the end of the spine into the head. The spear is an ancient symbol for this life-energy, originally used to stimulate it – not for killing life. The West forgot its name for this sacred energy event, yet the East names it Kundalini. It is also named by specific symbols throughout the Bible, for example in Psalms 5:8, “make thy way straight” like a spear. On its way up, this holy energy opens seven major energy centers that can be envisioned as large acupuncture points which have magical qualities (J. Loveland, Wheels of Wonders).
3. The month of April is called “the opener ?,” indicating new life that rises in spring, opening the soil. The soft new shoots do not use force, but penetrate the ground by energy! What could April’s spiritual teaching be? In ancient Egypt we find a ceremony called the “Opening of the Mouth,” which is done with an instrument, shaped like the way of life-energy. This gives us a hint that our life-energy is involved to open this “mouth.” It is the mysterious strait gate, mentioned in the Bible (Matthew 7:14), “Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.” It is a hidden opening in the head, connecting us with our Creator – if we go “therein” (B. Loveland, The eBook of Consciousness; Motoyama, Theories of the Chakras). The Mimbres, Natives of the US Southwest, once knew the secret, yet the opening of this gate did not work as it should. Thus, the Mimbres made artistically painted clay dishes, knocked a symbolic hole in the pots, and placed the pots on their dead (B. Loveland, The WHole eBook in Mimbres Pots; The eBook of Consciousness). Here we may understand trepanation of the old, increasingly materialistic societies, forcing a mechanically made hole into the skull – which some survived as bone-repairing traces indicate. However, it is not the gentle way, Christ taught!
4. Anselm means divine helmet of God from Germanic ans, God, and elm/helm for helmet or protection. What could this helmet of protection be – divine vigor? There is no clear text found of what the ancients perceived as God’s helmet. The Bible speaks about a helmet within, “They hung [a] helmet in you; they set forth your splendor” (Ezekiel 27:10). Yet, the ancient Egyptians left us artwork that shows a blue helmet! Why would this helmet be blue since blue is the symbolic color for water? Did it mean washed hair? The ancients did not entertain themselves with writing about the worldly tasks; their interest was in our holy energy fields! Then what has water to do with helmet and head? One of the most guarded secrets was the knowledge of the Water of Life, which is produced in the head upon Kundalini’s ascent (B. Loveland, The eBook of Consciousness). It drips down to the throat and if the person is honest through and through, this water turns into the Water of Life and gives invulnerable, protection, health, and immortality. The Water of Life becomes a deadly tsunami in people who are dishonest and have bad intensions. The Water of Life is the original, divine medicine, the medium in substance between water and gas. The inner down-flow of this god-given, protective medicine takes place inside the head and is outwardly depicted as helmet. Yet, the protection is inside! Did not the Bible say, “They hung [a] helmet in you?”
5. The name Belinda, like the linden tree, indicates wisdom and immortality. It carries the Water of Life with it that is also expressed in the name John as “God’s gracious gift:” the wondrous, divine medicine, granting immortality. The immortals, also known in ancient China, can still leave the earth by ascension like Jesus, Elijah, and others did (Bible, Luke 24:51; II King 2:11): they transformed their body into high energy and take it up with them into the truly spiritual realms, overcoming the materialistic production-consumption-throw-away society we now have.
THE ORIGINAL ESSENCE IN A NAME By these examples we may comprehend that a name originally indicated a spiritual essence, be it the name of a person or of items in nature, “and whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that was the name thereof” (Bible, Genesis 2:19). By the name, Adam determined the essence of parts of creation and established if they were holesome (from the holy hole) or detrimental for him. No wonder that healing herbs often have similarity with spiritual energy fields for which they are applied, like the linden tree (see Belinda). This tree obviously encourages “God’s gracious gift” by its name/essence and was said to draw disease out of beings. Thus it was once placed for healing in many villages of Europe. Jesus said, “And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do…” (Bible, John 14:13), meaning, that what is asked for in the essence of Christ, with the best intent for All That Is, that will be manifested to glorify God. Equally, Psalms 72:17 speak about the name of God, that is, the essence of God, “His name shall endure forever.”
SPIRITUAL AND WORLDLY NAMES All ancient names are likely to have spiritual connotations, referring to one of our 13 sacred energy fields (original research) in order to evoke the essence. Yet all modern names may not have a spiritual connection since worldly names were created and used.
A NEW WORLD It would be a new world if we evoked the name/essence of God or Christ in everything we do or say! Let it be our goal to think and act in the essence of Christ!
All is One, Bara
© Copright by Dr. Bara H. Loveland, July 27, 2010,
based on original research, rediscovery, observation, and/or new-ancient facts.
Paraphrasing/copying permitted if nothing is added/omitted from the used part in context, and the source is given as: original and sacred research.
Frequently, original research results/ideas have been used/published in different places – too often misunderstood
for the lack of original research of decades and the conception of Consciousness.
See it here first!
More to come for a better understanding of each other, of Consciousness, of the Creator, and creation.
Born from the Lotus. The “lotus is used as primal and ultimate container and receptacle of life and whatever there is of the divine in human life” (Cooper. An Illustrated Encyclopaedia 101; B. Loveland, Phenomena of Mysticism – UnSermoned; The eBook of Consciousness).
BLACK LUNG DISEASE Many former coal miners suffer from black lung disease or CWP (CoalWorker’s Pneumoconiosis). With mining exposure and time, the lungs stiffen so that the miner cannot breathe freely. For a while, oxygen devices help a bit, yet finally the miner suffocates from his stiffened lungs and dies a cruel death. Before this writing, our medical world offered no rescue. Please also see the articles on this topic and the environmental impact at
WHAT IS THE PROBLEM? Talking to a miner I learned that arsenic is one of the problems, being released from the fractionated rocks. Arsenic poisoning has many symptoms, one in particular or those ever changing, wherefore it may be misdiagnosed. Arsenic, also contained in commercial cigarettes, can dry up tissues, thus making smokers prematurely look old. Arsenic poisoning can be seen on life-energy images; such images are found in books by German and Italian physicians (helpful: if they only could read the images). Arsenic poisoning was successfully eliminated with Dinshah Lemon (original research). Dinshah gives Scarlet as the main color when arsenic poisoning threatens circulatory collapse (Darius Dinshah. Let There Be Light. 75). Although arsenic poisoning is a major problem for miners, it does not have to remain that way thanks to the Dinshah color Lemon!
ARE THERE OTHER DANGERS? Off course, the coal dust itself clings to the lungs and hinders proper breathing like it is with smokers’ tar. However, the major problem for miners of all mining activities and finally causing the inability to breathe is silica, the most abundant element on earth, not to be confused with Silicea, a healing agent. Silica is sand or glass, stirred up and broken up by mining activities, exposing its sharp edges. These sharp-edged sand/glass particles cling to the miner’s lungs and with every breath cut into the soft lung tissue and scar it – more and more! With time, the scars harden and tighten so that the lungs cannot take up oxygen and become unable to expand – the person suffocates.
Sand particles (silica) are also used as fillers in tablets, powders, and capsules, not as nutrients, but as gliding agent in the factory machines, potentially scaring kidneys, bladder, and prostate. It seems that silica (like broken glass!) has also the potential to cut into the soft tissues of the digestive tract, possibly causing bleeding and scars that harden with time, or emerging as hard “sand” from the corners of the eyes, and even as kidney stones in urine!
IS THERE POTENTIAL HELP? Here, the much fought genius as well as “honored” person on the US “Quack List,” the physician from India, Dr. Dinshah Ghadiali, may come to the rescue! We know that everything in the universe has a frequency and that one frequency may cancel another. Yet, there are harmful and healing frequencies assembled in octaves, and Dinshah wisely chose a healing octave for his outstanding research and therapy, the octave of color. It is the only octave visible to common human eyesight although there are other healing waves such as the polar magnetic frequencies and selected audible sound waves. The color therapy book, Let There Be Light by Darius Dinshah, recommends Dinshah Lemon, Orange, and Yellow for silicosis, including black lung (60). Lemon detoxifies, Orange softens tissue, and Yellow helps flushing out debris. Nevertheless, by chance I discovered the perfect Dinshah color for hardened scar tissues!
MY STORY At the age of 8, I wanted to get some oak nuts for my little sister yet could not reach the branch of the big oak tree which was growing out of a wind- breaking earth wall. I climbed on the wall, jumped forward to grab the pliable part of the branch to pull it down with my weight – for my sister to pick the oak nuts. The plan was perfect, except that my hands slipped from the branch and the forward swing landed me flat on my back on the ground, maybe from 2 meters height. I was lying in the grass, suffocated from lungs harshly pressed together by the fall, and fighting for breath with snoring sounds while my sister was sitting next to me, laughing her head off – she was 3 and thought that I put on a show for her. She luckily did not understand the danger lying beside her in the grass. It felt like eternity to me until slowly and very hurtfully, the lungs relaxed a bit so that I was able to get some air. I remained lying in the grass, waiting for the worst to vanish.
THE DIAGNOSIS When I recovered somehow, I told my mother what happened, yet since I was not a complainer, my mother thought that it was just one of the many falls children have. One year later, there were x-ray appointments in school and it was found that I had lung tuberculosis (TB). I was scheduled for a clinic away from my mother, which I absolutely did not want, and I kept crying over it. The physicians finally decided that the TB should be watched and if it would grow, I should be sent to a clinic. Luckily, the TB did not grow (how could it, as I found out later) and I was allowed to stay with my beloved mother.
LACKING LUNG CAPACITY In the German Gymnasium, my lungs were unable to keep up with the sports requirements so that, instead of letting me do what I could do, I spent most sports classes on the bench, prescribed! There was only “either or”! After 9 years in the German Gymnasium, students not only had to pass all exams but also had to run a certain distance in 13 seconds minimum in order to receive their Abitur certificate, the key to study at any university in the world. Cheered on by my classmates, I ran at my best of my lung-capacity and, exhausted, I fell on the finish line! I was told that I would not get the Abitur, but then the teachers changed their mind since there was no other reason not to give me the certificate.
TB RETURNING? Many years later, I often used Dinshah Turquoise and felt tremendous pain in my lungs. I suddenly remembered the childhood diagnosis of TB: was the encapsulated danger opening and growing?
A NEW CONCLUSION Then I thought about what had happened by the oak tree. I thought that my lungs must be full of scars from the fall which on the x-rays appeared to the physicians like TB, being just a shade on the image with no label of what it truly was. I comprehended that by the Turquoise rays, the scars were broken off and the original, encapsulated, tremendous, and sharp pain was freed. I adjusted the rate of using Turquoise and little by little, with less pain at a time, the scars dissolved over time as far as I worked on them.
THE BODY’S WISDOM What did the body do with the broken up scar tissues? It eliminated them in mucus and replaced the lung tissue with healthy cells. I could breathe more freely as “never” before: my lungs expanded and my shoulders grew wider so that my un-stretchable tops did not fit any longer. Although the Dinshah-given colors for silicosis apply, I had discovered an even more effective Dinshah color to safely break up hardened scar tissues and throw out their useless debris: Turquoise! I call Turquoise the Body Guard, throwing out foreign particles of the body like a Body Guard throws rowdies out of a bar!
TESTING TURQUOISE When it is true that Turquoise would be the Body Guard and breaks up and eliminates hardened scar tissues, it should also work on bone spurs. One day, a friend found a spur in her elbow, which would eventually inflame the area by rubbing it with every arm movement. I let her know about Turquoise and that she should not be surprised when the bone spur would come out of her skin! She used Dinshah Turquoise and the bone spur came out, no scars left!
HOPE FOR COAL MINERS TO BREATHE FREELY When I heard on the news of the suffering of former and present day coal miners and that silica with its sharp edges was the problem, I immediately understood that they suffered from scars in their lungs (Progressive Massive Fibrosis/PMF or Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease/COPD). Since Dinshah Turquoise has helped me so successfully to dissolve lung-scars, why not apply it to help the miners? Dinshah Lemon detoxifies what was absorbed from mining dust and Orange and Yellow may help lubricate the lungs! When properly used, the Dinshah colors have no negative side effect!
MEDICINE USING COLORS “A LA DINSHAH” We may have noticed that although Dinshah was ridiculed, his work was hindered, and even destroyed, the medical society more and more is using colors to improve safety in surgery as well as for astronauts. Surgeons wear green gowns and caps since according to Dinshah, Green controls bacteria (38)! Blue is used on the liver of premature babies since according to Dinshah, Blue reduces inflammation (38).
FOR COAL MINERS It could be best to use Turquoise and other colors as indicated since they may suffer multiple poisonings, showing as their state of suffering. More often than not there are clear indications for the use of e.g. Yellow (flushing), Orange (softening), or Blue (anti-inflammatory) prior to or alternating with Turquoise in support of what the body first wants and needs to accomplish (original research). Today’s active miners may wear a moon suit with helmet and oxygen supply like astronauts to protect them from further exposure to deadly dangers from mining dust! Such suit could also increase the survival time after rocks would bar a way out, till rescue can get to the miners. These suits would also be “suitable” for strip miners or other dust workers. A new concern may be micro-aluminum fiber production and diffusion in the sky. Secure the miners and dust workers and keep them safe as long as this medieval energy technique is still applied!
eBook: Color Medicine by Charles Klotsche with subject editor Dr. Bara H. Loverland. Download now at
Information in this article is given for educational purposes only. Get medical help as needed.
Till then, Bara
For the eBook Color Medicine, please click here (
© Copright by Dr. Bara H. Loveland. March 2019
Based on original research, rediscovery, observation, and/or new-ancient facts.
Paraphrasing or copying is permitted if nothing is added or omitted from the used part,
and the source is given as:
“ original and sacred research.”
Many the original research results and ideas have been taken and published elsewhere,
even in the news, without giving the source – yet too often misunderstood
since the imitator is missing the original research of decades.
See it here first! More to come for a better understanding of each other and creation.
Born from the Lotus. The “lotus is used as primal and ultimate container and receptacle of life and whatever there is of the divine in human life” (Cooper. An Illustrated Encyclopaedia 101; in B. Loveland, Phenomena of Mysticism – UnSermoned).
THE ANCIENT PERIL In antiquity, the Romans denied people to know and teach mysticism. They burnt the Egyptian library of Alexandria, causing a massive loss of historic records. As the successor of the Roman Empire, claiming dominion when the Empire collapsed, the Roman Church seized mystic material and still houses it in miles of library rooms under the Vatican, not permitting public view. Yet the Roman Church accepts mystical experiences at least or sainthood. What was the reason for the antique Romans to see mysticism as peril? What is mysticism?
DIVINE ENERGIES Mysticism was well known in Egypt as well as in many other countries. It is the main message of the Bible. Yet today it is the commonly lost spiritual, untaught knowledge with its neglected use of our divine energies. There is one exceptional institution, the University of Sedona, teaching mysticism on an academic level. Yet what is understood by mysticism? The University of Sedona explains mysticism as metaphysics, going beyond the physical world. “Metaphysics is a branch of philosophy that studies the ultimate nature of existence, reality, and experience . . .” Mysticism is spirituality and spirituality deals with holy energies in all Creation. Spirituality transcends the material world and enters the realm of the tri-valid logic of miracles (B. Loveland. The eBook of Consciousness).
SAMADHI IN THE BIBLE Was Jesus, having lived in Egypt for maybe 3-12 years, familiar with mysticism, even practicing it? 2000 years later, do we have any proof of it? The Bible itself delivers the proof: it describes how Jesus took three disciples to the mountains and was transfigured before them. “And his raiment became shining, exceeding white as snow; so as no fuller on earth can white them” (Mark 9:3). The “exceeding white” ray-ment indicates that it was not a material experience but a mystical one, connecting with energy beyond the physical. Such events are also described in Vedic texts as Samadhi, the state of bliss and Oneness with the Creator. This state can be reached, when Kundalini, our life-energy, ascended along the spine. Yet in an uncleansed body Kundalini might stubbornly remain at the end of the spine, wherefore the Sanskrit name Kundalini was chosen for it, meaning “coiled up.” When Jesus visibly reached Samadhi in the mountains before three of his disciples, did he master Kundalini?
SECRET TEACHINGS Since the Romans persecuted those who knew, practiced, and taught mysticism, Jesus could only teach direct knowledge in private, “face to face” as John put it, “Having many things to write unto you, I would not write with paper and ink: but I trust to come unto you, and speak face to face, that our joy may be full” (II John 1:12). The mystics had to use symbols in public in order to hide the true meanings from the Romans and still keep the knowledge on record for later times. In a symbolic way, Jesus demonstrated his mastery over Kundalini on Palm Sunday by riding on a female donkey into Jerusalem. The significance of the event was missed ever since the Roman Church was established and remained unrecognized to this day by the conventional churches. How could riding on a donkey prove Jesus’ mastery of Kundalini?
LIFE-ENERGY SYMBOLISM The donkey is a very old symbol for Kundalini since the donkey, like Kundalini, can reach heights on a narrow path, yet when treated improperly, both deny service (B. Loveland. Phenomena of Mysticism – UnSermoned). The rider, however, is the master. Why did Jesus request a female donkey? From times immemorial on, Kundalini was perceived as the loving, healing, and forgiving Mother within. By Jesus’ choice of a female donkey with a foal, he made his mastery over Kundalini perfectly clear to those acquainted with holy symbols – in his time and in ours! (B. Loveland. Phenomena of Mysticism – UnSermoned.)
JESUS’ MISSION Kundalini, when opening the seven Chakras, gives special powers like healing, prophesizing, or walking on water as Jesus did (J. Loveland. Wheels of Wonders). The Chakras are energy fields rooted in the spine, reaching like flowers out of the body (J. Loveland. Wheels of Wonders. Leadbeater, The Chakras). Could Jesus have used his divine Kundalini powers to escape the Romans and avoid suffering? He could have, yet his mission was to teach the ancient faith in the One loving God, honoring the 13 Commandments (see the article Polarity!), practicing our divine, mystic powers by his example, and to be the “Lamb of God,” sacrificing himself. By his sacrifice, the slaughtering of thousands of little lambs at the temple in Jerusalem could finally end. Slaughtering the lambs was thought to lead to forgiveness of sins by God who said, “Thou shalt not kill.” Period. No buts. Yet Jesus’ sacrifice for the lambs, to suffer for human sin instead of harming innocent animals, was not understood. The slaughtering did not end until in 70 AD the temple was destroyed by the Romans.
THE WINE AND THE DONKEY How can we know that Jesus decided not to use his mystic Kundalini powers to escape torment? In Aramaic, the language Jesus spoke, donkey and wine are spelled the same, k-h-a-m-r-a (George Lamsa. More Light on the Gospel. 74). Before his crucifixion, Jesus spoke of wine, “I will drink no more of the fruit of the vine, until that day that I drink it new in the kingdom of God” (Bible. Mark 14:25). The fruit of the vine delivers wine which is a symbol of the Spirit or of spiritual energy. Thus Jesus, with one Aramaic word, presented both, wine and donkey: Jesus expressed that he would not use his divine powers, Kundalini/donkey/wine to prevent his fateful mission. He would only drink wine (be inundated with spiritual powers) again in the kingdom of God – only after his mission as the “Lamb of God” was complete, saving the animals. Yet with this symbolism unbeknown to Christians today, they celebrate Jesus’ sacrifice for God’s forgiveness of human sin with a roasted lamb on Easter Sunday, ignoring the 5th Commandment and Christ’s sacrifice for the lambs!
MYSTICISM, THE ROOT OF ALL ANCIENT RELIGIONS Why would the Romans persecute mystics and their teachings as a danger to their Empire? Why would they want to eliminate Jesus the Christ and his message from earth? The Roman Empire was a strict dictatorship, dictating what could be said in public and prescribing selected gods to be served. They did not want people to gain mystic powers by which the strategies of the selected and their doing could be controlled and exposed. Furthermore, Roman economy and the riches of the upper class depended partly or largely on animal slaughter for food and sacrifices at the temples so that the vegetarian early Christians were not welcome to spread their news of the “Lamb of God!” Could the Romans really eliminate Christ from earth? Today, Christianity is the largest religious group, merely missing the true mystic teachings of Christ! If the Romans only had known that their pantheon, like all healing religions of yore, including Christianity, were derived from the ancient symbolic system they fought: mysticism! Imagine the Paradise on Earth if the Christians lived by what Christ taught: mysticism!
© Copright by Dr. Bara H. Loveland, December 12, 2018,
based on original research, rediscovery, observation, and/or new-ancient facts.
Paraphrasing/copying permitted if nothing is added/omitted from the used part in context, and the source is given as: original and sacred research.
Many the original research results and ideas have been taken and published elsewhere, even in the news, without giving the source – yet too often misunderstood since the imitator is missing the original research of decades.
See it here first! More to come for a better understanding of each other, the Creator, and creation.
Born from the Lotus. The “lotus is used as primal and ultimate container and receptacle of life and whatever there is of the divine in human life” (Cooper. An Illustrated Encyclopaedia 101; in B. Loveland, Phenomena of Mysticism – UnSermoned).
THE QUANTUM PHYSICIST Professor Max Planck of Berlin, Germany, is the originator of Quantum Physics. His universal “Quantum Constant” carries his name, Planck’s constant which he called h, maybe for the influence of another world or heaven (in German Himmel). The term quantum became a household word as Quantum healing, Quantum mechanics, or Quantum computing. Yet, what is a quantum?
DEFINITION QUANTUM A quantum is the amount of energy E, which is equal to Planck’s constant h times the frequency v of a source. Planck’s formula is E=hv. For example, if the source is light, the quantum is called a photon. The quantum is pure energy, has zero mass, demonstrating Oneness by having no parts. Yet a quantum can change its energy through interactions or collisions.
QUANTUM MEDICINE We find the quantum principle where energy manifests, yet on the purely material level there is no proof of anything happening. Such are the Schuessler Cell Salts, which have no actual substance but show merely a physical carrier for their quantum energy. Thus I call them Quantum MedicineTM!
HOW THEY ARE PRODUCED Schuessler Cell Salts, also called biochemistry, are produced like homeopathic remedies, however not any toxic substance is used. Through a bureaucratic error, Dr. Wilhelm Schuessler of Oldenburg, Germany, received his MD before he had the Abitur, a high education certificate allowing him to study at any university in the world. The pre-Abitur MD was not the only remarkable achievement of Dr. Schuessler. He researched which minerals mainly constitute the body and are thus most needed. He found twelve minerals, presented in the Twelve Schuessler Cell Salts or Schuessler Tissue Salts. These mineral salts are bio-chemically “salts,” yet but one has the quantum of salt (NaCl).
THE NAMES OF THE TWELVE QUANTUM SALTS™ The Schuessler Cell Salts are named after their quantum substance from their minerals and are commonly numbered and abbreviated.
Names of |
Traditional Use |
Abbreviations |
Com- |
Dinshah |
Traditional Use (for more see Klotsche, Color Medicine, |
Calcium Sulphuricum |
Cold, sore throat, acne |
Cal. Sulph. |
3 |
Red |
Sunburn |
Magnesium Phosphoricum |
Muscle cramps |
Mag. Phos. |
8 |
Orange |
Gas, cramps |
Natrum Sulphuricum |
Flu, vomiting |
Nat. Sulph. |
11 |
Yellow |
Constipation |
Calcium Phosphoricum |
Teething/teeth, |
Cal. Phos. |
2 |
Lemon |
Teeth, bones |
Natrum Phosphoricum |
Indigestion, joint pain |
Nat. Phos. |
10 |
Green |
Muscles |
Silicea |
Brittle hair/nails |
Silicea |
12 |
Turquoise |
Abscess, hair |
Ferrum Phosphoricum |
Colds with fever |
Ferr. Phos. |
4 |
Blue |
Medium fever |
Kalium Muriaticum |
Colds with runny nose |
Kali (sic) Mur. |
5 |
Indigo |
Tumors, bruises |
Kalium Phosphoricum |
Stress, nerves, headaches |
Kali (sic) Phos. |
6 |
Violet |
High fever |
Kalium Sulphuricum |
Colds, skin eruptions |
Kali (sic) Sulph. |
7 |
Purple |
Recurring fever |
Natrium Murication (salt) |
Water retention, indigestion |
Nat. Mur. |
9 |
Magenta |
Runny nose, indigestion |
Calcium Fluoride |
Hemorrhoids, chapped lips |
Cal. Fluor. |
1 |
Scarlet |
Bruising often |
TWO KINDS OF FLUORIDE It must be noted that Calcium Fluoride (CaF2) is a non-toxic form of fluorine, whereas Sodium Fluoride (NaF) is said to be a highly toxic substance added to toothpaste and to municipal water supplies known as fluoridation. When the latter accumulates in the teeth, the teeth get harder but brittle and they may turn brown, then black! This is not the case with Calcium Fluoride, which hardens teeth as well – but also keeps them white!
HOW QUANTUM MEDICINETM IS MADE For his cell salts, Dr. Schuessler used the same method as homeopathy uses, initiated by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann of Meissen, Germany (1775-1843). With his method, Dr. Hahnemann was able to help people who could not be helped otherwise and became a millionaire. Dr. Schuessler’s Cell Salts (published in 1973) do not include toxins but only the needed quanta of minerals. The process to make homeopathic remedies is called trituration. Merely 1 part of a substance is used with 9 parts of a carrier (distilled water, organic alcohol, or milk sugar). One stomps the liquid or grinds a substance with milk sugar: e.g, 100 times to gain the quantum strength of X 1 (X=10 made from 1+9). Of this substance, one uses 1 part and 9 parts of the carrier, stomps/grinds again 100 times and gains the quantum strength of X 2. One repeats the process to X 6, X 12, X 30 etc. or creates C 1 (C=hundred made from 1 to 99 parts), C2, and finally M 1, M2. The more often the carrier is “diluted” but stomped/ground, the more of the Quantum of the original remedy it gains, the heavenly substance so to speak. Materialistic science cannot weigh the quantum-accumulation and thus calls homeopathic methods pseudoscience and witch craft and may place the Schuessler remedies under the quack category. If this is so, then also Quantum mechanics is pseudoscience and quackery! Yet these remedies work and with energy sensitive techniques, the effects can be realized like the same is true for Quantum mechanics!
ARE TOXINS THE BEST REMEDIES? Toxins, even in homeopathic form, may be regarded as vaccines into the higher energy body and may cause harm in the long run – avoided with Schuessler Tissue Salts.
QUANTUM MEDICINETM WORKS Each of the Schuessler Cell Salts has specific healing qualities and proves that Quantum Medicine™ works even though materialistic science cannot weigh the Quantum. The Quantum simply escapes the material part of creation! The Father of Quantum Physics, Professor Max Planck, stated that the “. . . ultimate reality is of a metaphysical character . . .” (Scientific Autobiography, 107). Let us realize and utilize this reality for our healing!
The Schuessler Cell Salts are our heavenly Quantum Medicine™! No negative side effects! No need to outlaw them unless, logically, also Quantum mechanics will be outlawed with them!
© Copright by Dr. Bara H. Loveland, 2018,
based on original research, rediscovery, observation, and/or new-ancient facts.
Paraphrasing or copying is permitted if nothing is added or omitted from the used part(s), and the source is given as:
“ original and sacred research.”
Many of the original research results and ideas have been used and published elsewhere, even in the news, without giving the source – yet too often misunderstood since the imitator is missing the original research of decades.
See it here first! More to come for a better understanding of each other and creation.
Born from the Lotus. The “lotus is used as primal and ultimate container and receptacle of life and whatever there is of the divine in human life” (Cooper. An Illustrated Encyclopaedia 101; in B. Loveland, Phenomena of Mysticism – UnSermoned).
MOVIES ON JESUS IN INDIA The question, if Jesus was indeed in India, has challenged researchers, who traveled east to India in search of memories of Christ. This even resulted in movies (e.g. by Paul Davis/Edward Martin, Jesus in India), reporting on the travel insights and showing interviews with priests in the West, strictly denying that Jesus could have been in India. The priests’ suspicion is justified: the Bible does not mention it, and how could we find the facts and the footprints of Jesus in India – after 2000 years?
THE BIBLE IS SILENCE The Bible is not giving any information on where Jesus was between the age of 12 and maybe 30. At the age of 12, Jesus amazed the rabbis in the Temple of Jerusalem with his wisdom, and at the age of possibly 30, he began his ministry in the Holy Land with a miracle: transforming water to wine!
THE MISSING YEARS OF CHRIST Where was this wise teenager and the later so outspoken young adult during a time span of 18 years without leaving any record in his home country? Would he not have raised reactions to his special points of view concerning the original teachings of Judaism and the Law, given by God to Moses?
SEARCHING FOR FACTS Are there facts that could support the theory that Jesus was indeed in India?
THE MERCEDES OF THE DESERT Jesus was of the Essene Community, a vegetarian Jewish group, maintaining “motels” for the “Mercedes of the Desert” that is, for merchants and their camels traveling along the Silk Road: “camelots”! Yet, the main Jewish groups would rather keep to themselves as the parable of the Good Samaritan confirms, as well as the Israeli politics today, trying to distance Israel as a country from those who do not share their exact faith, although modern Jews create Arab-Jewish centers!
REPLACEMENT JEWS The Samaritans of Jesus’ time were seen as “second class Jews” since in old times, Jewish people were taken to Mesopotamia and later, “replacement Jews” were sent to the Holy Land to help populate it. These were perhaps born of a converted Jewish mother, not of a Jewish mother born of a Jewish mother herself, to be counted as “real Jews.”
THE “CAMELOTS” The Essenes accepted strangers with their love and tolerance, and accommodated them and their animals on their long journeys from India to Egypt. Consequently, Jesus must have learned about these travelers to India from Essene-run “camelots,” and may have had contact with merchants from afar. Like some teenagers of today want to travel to Mars, as a teenager, Jesus may have longed to learn about the legendary wonders of India. It would have been easy for him to join a caravan, and in their care and with their protection, he may have traveled to India. This journey could have taken him a year or more, one way, depending on changes of the “Amish Uebers” (or rather “Silk Uebers”) in order to keep the direction toward his goal. Thus, it is not unthinkable that Jesus indeed reached India!
JESUS IN TIBET? All findings and reports from India concerning Jesus do not clear the suspicions, not even the book by Nicolas Notovitch, The Unknown Life of Jesus Christ, published in 1894. This book by the Russian aristocrat and traveler, mentions that in a Tibetan monastery the author was shown an ancient, sacred, and secret book, referring to Jesus and his stay in Tibet. This was later denied by the monastery, maybe for fear that Christians would claim or even take away the text. It was the time of colonies, occupying and hijacking other countries. Another source says that the author was given this Tibetan text, which may be doubtful, for Notovitch seemed to be without a “hard copy” proof. Then, can there ever be proof that Jesus was in India?
THOMAS, MARY, AND JOHN We have some other hints: On India’s East coast remain to this day the Thomas Christians, suggesting that Thomas “went in all the world” as Jesus requested, and founded Christian communities. Why would Thomas choose India? Because he knew that Jesus had traveled there? How about the “Grave of Mary” in Afghanistan ( 2001.html) or the “Tomb of Jesus” in Kashmir ( The latter report was leading to the premise that the risen Christ lived on in a body and died in the East. My thought is that the names Jesus (Yeshua) and John (Jehan) were confused since to this day names are often adapted to a foreign language (John, Johannes, Hans, Jean, etc.). It may well be that “Jesus’ Tomb” is the grave of John, who was asked by Jesus to take care of Mary, the mother of Christ. It may not be impossible that Mary and John together traveled to India, but Mary may have died on their way in Afghanistan and was buried there, whereas John may have reached India and later died in India.
DID JESUS SAY HE WAS IN INDIA? However, there is no hard proof of any of these facts and thoughts. Yet, could it be that Jesus himself told the world that he was in India? There is a surprising saying by Christ in the Bible which people around Jesus did not understand. They mocked it and speculated what it could mean. Jesus did not defend himself, did not correct the inexperienced, but let it be, trusting that one day the true meaning would be revealed. And so it seemed, after 2000 years!
FINDING THE MEANING I wondered about this saying of Christ and suddenly knew what it meant, verifying my finding (indirectly) by professional books. In addition, I asked an expert what the message could mean, not revealing my conclusion. The expert fully confirmed the meaning I had found! This showed me that indeed, Jesus was in India. If you want to know, please see the details on several pages in The eBook of Consciousness and be surprised as I was when finding them! They are food for thought – which no priest, pastor, pope, teacher, or any person interested in history and religion – can afford to miss. Let history and Christ speak for themselves in their amazing ways!
Till then, Bara
For The eBook of Consciousness, please click here.
© Copright by Dr. Bara H. Loveland, 2018,
based on original research, rediscovery, observation, and/or new-ancient facts.
Paraphrasing or copying is permitted if nothing is added or omitted from the used part,
and the source is given as: original and sacred research.
Many of the original research results and ideas have been taken and published elsewhere, even by the news, without giving the source – yet too often misunderstood since the imitator is missing the original research of decades.
See it here first! More to come for a better understanding of each other and creation.
Born from the Lotus. The “lotus is used as primal and ultimate container and receptacle of life and whatever there is of the divine in human life” (Cooper. An Illustrated Encyclopaedia 101; in B. Loveland, Phenomena of Mysticism – UnSermoned).
SYMBOLIC SCRIPTURES Christians and Jewish people alike share the Old Testament, a book which uses highly symbolized text. Like all Holy Scriptures of yore, it is mainly concerned with spirituality. It was written using symbols in order to withhold from strangers to their group the know-how and abuse of spiritual significance and practice of the teachings. Spirituality addresses divine energy in us, in all life, and in all Creation.
SAME SYMBOLS – DIFFERENT MEANINGS The difficulty is that the many symbols can be interpreted in different ways and that one symbol does not always indicate the same. In Genesis 3:4-5, the serpent is the evil one. However, Exodus 4:1-5 presents the serpent as a part of a divine miracle: Moses’ rod turns into a serpent, then back into a rod.
BIBLICAL MISCONCEPTION Thus, we may look at another Bible passage, which the Western World has made to be its justification to use and abuse, even with uttermost cruelty, the earth and its creatures: “…be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the foul of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth” (Genesis 1:28). What could this mean?
AWARENESS The sea is often compared to the vast all-knowing unconscious that is, heightened awareness, “the sea,” is in all creation (The eBook of Consciousness), whereas birds are symbols for souls like Ba, the Egyptian soul bird. The question is, who or what is the Bible addressing byits statement, “God created man in his own image; . . . male and female created he them” (Genesis 1:27)? Adam and Eve were created later, in Chapter 2, verses 7 and 22. What is it that God created in his own, God’s image?
GOD HAS NO IMAGE God has no image, God is a Spirit, God is not He or She (John 4:24). However, God has two attributes as the eternal, Uncreated One and as the Creator. Where do we find the “image of God,” the twofold one? We find it in twofold polarity, of which Creation is made. The command, “Be fruitful and multiply” therefore speaks to the first Creation, a one-polar substance, to create a multitude of forms by polarity, and “replenish the earth.” What is this substance and who then is “man” in Gen. 1?
THE SYMBOL MAN “Man” is a symbol for awareness that is, God’s Creation was aware before humans were created in Chapter 2. God’s awareness is in all “Its” creation. “Earth” is the material world of Creation, is the entire universe, flooded by the “sea,” and populated by “birds,” meaning that All That Is has awareness (“sea”) and a soul (“birds”), a higher vibrational part.
POLARITY AS CREATION TOOL “Subdue the earth and have dominion” then means that polarity is to be in control, dominating Creation. The Bible may have emphasized this, because the primal, mystical, semi-physical substance of Creation has only one polarity. It can only be what is nowadays called a tachyon!
GOD ADDRESSING TACHYONS AS CREATION ASSISTANTS Is God talking to tachyons, asking to be fruitful, multiply, and fill the earth in “God’s dual image” (polarity) to create the multiple forms we experience? It makes sense that mankind is not meant to subdue the earth, created only in chapter 2 of Genesis!
PRANA I compare tachyons to prana of East India, a land where the accumulation of healing prana in the body is practiced: prana being the first substance of “physical” Creation, building polarity. Both, tachyons and prana, are ONE and non polarized, and more ancient than the polarized world. Is prana still around? As emanation from God, it is and can be seen in the clear sky as swift “silver threads” which have no regular form or pattern. They are free, limiting themselves merely to create polarity as God commanded it! The Bible text of Genesis 1 makes clear that God meant for tachyons to build polarity for the many forms of creation, multiply, and rule! This was not a command for humankind, created only later as described in Genesis 2! This demand “to subdue the earth” was not permission for humans to abuse and exploit the natural life on earth! There is no excuse for any “dominion” of cruelty.
Humankind was given the 13 Commandments (which they shortened to ten) emanating from One Law in the Universe, formulated as “CC” in The eBook of Consciousness ( It would be a blessing to remember this in thought and deed: Polarity, created in God’s dual image, is to multiply and have domino over the material world, not humankind! Yet, the mind-ruled human being may hardly accept this thought as it did not accept that the earth turns around the sun! None of creation is above the rest, God is One and in All.
All is One, Bara
I. Wo de Nordseewellen trecken an den Strand,
Where the North Sea Waves are drawing on the sand,
wo de geelen Blömen bleuhn int gröne Land,
where the yellow flowers bloom on the green land,
wo de Möwen schrieen hell in Sturmgebrus
where the seagull's calling pierces storm’s uproar
do is mine Heimat, do bün ick to Hus,
there is my grand homeland as it was before,
wo de Möwen schrieen hell in Sturmgebrus
where the seagulls’ calling pierces storm’s uproar
do is mine Heimat, do bün ick to Hus.
there is my grand homeland as it was before.
II. Well'n un Wogen ruschen weern min Weegenleed,
Tides with high waves’ murmur were my cradle song,
un de hohen Dieken seh'n min Kinnertied,
and the lofty dykes have seen me, childhood-long,
Markten ok min Sehnen un min heet Begehr,
Noticed, too, my longing and my hot decree,
in de Welt to flegen, ower Land un Meer,
traveling the planet, over land and sea.
markten ok min Sehnen un min heet Begehr,
Noticed, too, my longing and my hot decree,
in de Welt to flegen, ower Land un Meer.
traveling the planet, over land and sea.
III. Wohl hett mi dat Lewen all min Lengen stillt,
Though my life has given me my longing’s will,
hett mi all dat geven wat min Hart erfüllt;
and has given me that could my heart fulfill;
alles is verswunnen, wat mi drück un dreev,
all has disappeared what could trouble me,
hev dat Glück woll funnen, doch dat Heimweh bleev,
have found gladness elsewhere, yet nostalgia be,
alles is verswunnen, wat mi drück un dreev,
all has disappeared what could trouble me,
hev dat Glück woll funnen, doch dat Heimweh bleev.
have found gladness elsewhere, yet nostalgia be.
IV. Heimweh nach min schöne, gröne Marschenland,
Longing for my pretty, dark-green marshen-land,
wo de Nordseewellen trecken an de Strand,
where the North Sea waves are washing on the sand,
wo de Möwen schrieen hell in Sturmgebrus
where the seagulls’ calling pierces storm’s uproar
do is mine Heimat, do bün ick to Hus,
there is my great homeland where I was before,
wo de Möwen schrieen hell in Sturmgebrus
where the seagulls’ calling pierces storm’s uproar
do is mine Heimat, do bün ick to Hus.
there is my grand homeland where I was before.
© Copyright by Dr. Bara H. Loveland 2016
To be taught in all homes and schools.
Draft 10/26/2015.
More in the eBook of Consciousness.
For definitions and more explanations see The eBook of Consciousness,
The numbers and their meanings follow an ancient, spiritual numbering system
(original research).
This article may be freely copied in its entirety
(from headline to the end of the text without the image, including this line)
if nothing is omitted or added.
Melissa Bowersock
Melissa Bowersock is an eclectic, award-winning author who writes in a variety of fiction and non-fiction genres: biography, contemporary, western, action, romance, fantasy, paranormal and spiritual. She has been both traditionally and independently published and is a regular contributor to the superblog Indies Unlimited. She lives in a small community in northern Arizona with her husband and an Airedale terrier. She also writes under the pen name Amber Flame. Check out all her books at
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