Yeshua Newsletter

for Entertainment and Education


Perceptions of God - MindMade

Phenomena of Mysticism - UnSermoned

Consciousness VS Mind

The King's New Sky Robe

A New Earth Rising

Go Nuts with Nuimi

The Golden Nuts of Nuimi

Perceptions of God - MindMade

In the beginning was Elohim, Two in One – and One with all Creation! The sun was the symbol of our life-energy and God was adored as Mother with many names. Yet, the One Mother-God split in Heaven and Earth Mother! Then by a spiritual error, male gods replaced her. Was it a reaction to millions of years of female adoration and male neglect? This spiritual error still shows in the treatment of women in many, or all societies. Find out, not to fall for the same error!

Phenomena of Mysticism - UnSermoned

Holy Scriptures of yore carry sacred messages for us, yet they remained un-sermoned in established #churches. The #Bible teaches divine, “pagan” energies, not called by Sanskrit names. The Old and New Testaments rather teach them in symbols – if we only understood the symbols! These energies are very effective w/o negative side-effects and available anywhere 24/7. Here you can learn about the true Bible messages – and “the truth shall make you free!” (John 8:32.)

Consciousness VS Mind

The terms Consciousness, Mind, Creation, and God remained the 4 great mysteries of the world. Countless conventions and university studies for defining Consciousness show no definite results. And how was the world created? #Creator or a #BigBang? Could #ConsciousnessVsMind help find answers from original research? Find out in a few minutes! Enjoy new “in-sides” and join the free Info*Letter of #NewAncientSecrets for more surprising facts on Consciousness
and the sacred Source!

The King's New Sky Robe

#ClimateCrisis is not new. Already in the 17th century, the King had such at hand. What did he do? Can we learn from a 13 minute fairy tale? What you are watching applies to modern science/physics in an entertaining movie for Young and Old. Please enjoy the movie for discussion and rethinking. It has a happy ending! Dedicated to Greta Tintin Thunberg.


A New Earth Rising

Enjoy the movie A New Earth Rising and learn about the wonderful story how one person – through selfless action – improved the lives of many: Locally, nationally, and internationally. This movie shows a part of the wide variety of grants from New Earth Foundation that multiplied themselves, being models of sustainability, educational innovation, environmental improvement, economic advances, and curbing pollution. Beyond the news, there is goodness in this world!


Go Nuts with Nuimi

Do you know how cashew nuts grow, or have you studied the culture and history of Upper Nuimi in The Gambia, Africa? Be surprised what young Nuimi people do to help family income and what happened to the region once rich in gold and salt trade. Learn about other projects of New Earth Foundation grantees and how they make life much easier. An enjoyable movie for the entire family!


The Golden Nuts of Nuimi

In a desperate search for family income, Nuimi’s youth are leaving in large numbers on a dangerous, often deadly journey to Europe. Watch this educational movie on the story of the cashew farmers of beautiful Upper Nuimi in The Gambia, West Africa and how cooperation between Robert Schmierer and New Earth Foundation has helped to gain attention and funds for creating a solution to a situation that faced international neglect.



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Webmaster Robert Schmierer